
Monday, June 8, 2020

Covid-19 Recovery countdown Malaysia conditional movement control order will be replaced with recovery movement control order from June 10 to Aug 31, 2020

Activities that are allowed, not allowed and pending during the recovery movement control order period. 

Conditional MCO to be replaced with recovery MCO from June 10 - Aug 31, says PM

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Sunday announced that the conditional movement control order will be replaced with recovery movement control order, which will begin from June 10 to Aug 31.

The Prime Minister said that this phase from June 10 to Aug 31 is part of the exit strategy, as Covid-19 cases were under control in Malaysia.

PM announces 'recovery mode' MCO from June 10, cross-state travel allowed

• Interstate travel

• Home quarantine for returnees

• Normal business hours

• Domestic tourism • Meetings, workshops

• Recreational fishing<

• Barbers, hair salons, beauty parlours

• Self-service laundrettes

• Museum visits

• Indoor busking

• Cycling

• Motorcycle convoy

• Commercial fishing ponds

• Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration based on SOP


• Overseas travel

• Pubs, nightclubs, karaoke centres, entertainment outlets, theme parks

• Reflexology centres

• Feasts, open houses

• Spectator sports

• Public swimming pools

• Close-contact sports: rugby, wrestling, boxing, football, basketball, hockey

• Big religious processions


• Schools to reopen in stages

• More congregants to pray at mosques based on size of premises

• Sports SOP

More relaxation on public activities

There will be more relaxation on public activities with the government replacing the conditional movement control order (MCO) with the recovery movement control order from Wednesday.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the new phase, which would take effect from June 10 until Aug 31, was part of an exit strategy after the government successfully contained the spread of Covid-19.

“During the implementation of the recovery MCO, more restrictions will be relaxed to allow the public to carry out their daily activities while complying with the standard operating procedure (SOP), ” the Prime Minister said in a special televised address yesterday.

The MCO was first put in place on March 18 to break the chain of Covid-19 infections.

Muhyiddin explained that statistics from the Health Ministry showed that the infection rate was on the downward trend, remained low and under control.

“Most of the cases recently involved imported cases involving illegal foreign workers in the Immigration depots.

“We are thankful with the swift action taken by our frontliners, who successfully curbed the spread of Covid-19 among the detainees, ” he said.

This is the second phase of easing up on rules after the first round of relaxation under the conditional MCO which began on May 4 and which was later extended to June 9.

Under the recovery MCO, interstate travel has been allowed except for areas placed under enhanced MCO.

“Those who want to visit their parents who are currently living in other states will be able to do so.

“My advice is just to take care of personal hygiene in public places and avoid crowded areas while you are in your hometown.

“Please remember, if your parents are senior citizens, they are in the high-risk category and can be easily infected. So, although we are happy to visit them, it is our main responsibility to protect them from being infected, ” he said.

However, overseas travel is still not permitted as the country’s borders remain shut.

Muhyiddin also pointed out that almost all social, education, religious, business and economic sectors would be operational again in stages with strict adherence to the SOP.

This includes open-air market, morning market, pasar malam (night market), tamu (market), bazaars, food court, food stalls, food trucks and restaurants which have been given the green light.

Muhyiddin also noted that domestic tourism would be allowed and encouraged.

Restrictions on leisure activities, including visiting museums, entertainment and creative outlets will also be eased, while indoor busking and filming will be permitted to operate.

Muhyiddin said the recovery MCO would be implemented based on seven strategies.

They comprise fortifying public healthcare, law and enforcement, strengthening border control, fully reopening the economic sector, inculcating new normal culture, empowering community responsibility and protecting the high-risk group.

Businesses that are still not allowed to operate include pubs, night clubs, entertainment centres, reflexology centres, karaoke centres and theme parks.

Religious gatherings, open houses, and feasts involving large crowd are also not allowed.

He also warned that the government would not hesitate to impose enhanced MCO at localities where a surge in the number of Covid-19 cases was detected.

Therefore, he said people should strictly observe the conditions imposed by the health authorities to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Muhyiddin said the public could visit the National Security Council website to get the full list of activities that were allowed and not allowed.

“If all of you are disciplined and remain steadfast, Insya-Allah, it will remain under control.

“We will enter the normalisation period after Aug 31 until a vaccine for Covid-19 is found, ” he said.

He also urged the public to download the MySejahtera mobile application developed by the government to self-assess their own health.

Meanwhile, the Penang government will be holding a state security council committee meeting on Wednesday before implementing the recovery MCO. Bernama reported that the Melaka government was not ready to allow barbershops, hair and beauty salons, the morning open markets, pasar malam as well as bazaars to operate on the date announced by the Federal Government.

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