
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ways to Improve Your Blood Circulation for a healthy you

9 Ways to Improve Your Blood Circulation

Anatomy and Circulation of the Heart - WebMD

Oxidized Cholesterol: What You Should Know - Healthline

Circulation is vital to the health of your entire body. However, we are guessing circulation is not something you find yourself thinking about too often unless you find your feet falling asleep.

However, there are many people who suffer from chronic circulation issues, and for them, thoughts about circulation are almost always there.

Your body is constantly circulating fluids throughout your body, most importantly blood. In fact, about 5 quarts of blood is pumped through your body’s blood vessels every minute, thanks to your heart.

As your blood circulates throughout your body, it delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells and helps get rid of excess waste products in your system.

So, when you have poor circulation, that means your blood isn’t flowing through your system as efficiently, and you can end up suffering from a variety of issues, including numbness (your hands and feet falling asleep).

At some point, we have all dealt with poor blood circulation.

And while your feet falling asleep can be somewhat of a nuisance, it certainly isn’t life-threatening.

However, if your circulation is regularly poor, you are likely facing some issues that are more serious than sleepy feet — including bloating, zapped energy, and fluid retention.

If any of these things sound familiar, then we’ve got just what you need: things that you can do to improve your circulation.

How To Improve Your Circulation

1. Exercise

Exercising is beneficial to your body in so many ways. According to the Mayo Clinic, regular exercise can:

  • Control weight 
  • Combat health conditions and diseases 
  • Improve mood 
  • Boost energy 
  • Improve sleep
  • Boost sex life 
  • Help you engage socially 
  • Be a way to have fun

Exercise is a great way to combat your issues with poor blood circulation.

And the best part?

You don’t have to spend hours on the treadmill to see results.

Any exercise that gets your blood pumping will be beneficial, particularly walking.

Once you feel more comfortable moving on to more challenging exercises, you’ll see your circulation improve even more. However, be sure to take your time in progressing to exercises such as running, swimming, biking, etc., and don’t overexert.

2. Get a massage

Just in case you’re looking for another reason to get a massage . . .

Not only can a massage bring you great relaxation and relief from the stresses of your life, but it can also stimulate your body’s blood flow.

According to Massage Envy, massages can speed up your circulation. The pressure that the massage applies to your body has the power to move blood through the areas that are congested.

In addition, once the pressure applied during your massage is released, new blood is able to flow in where it once may not have been able to.

The motions of a massage aid in flushing lactic acid from your muscles, as well as provide better circulation of your body’s lymph fluid.

What does lymph fluid do?

It “carries metabolic waste away from muscles and internal organs, resulting in lower blood pressure and improved body function.”

3. Drink lots of water

Did you know that it is advised you drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day?

Most people are nowhere near that many ounces a day.

It seems as if you’d have to constantly have to be drinking water in order to achieve that.

And you’re probably right.

However, drinking enough water is a great way to combat circulation issues.

Water helps to keep things flowing throughout your body, including the flush of toxins.

4. Drink green tea

In addition to being ripe with antioxidants, green tea can also help improve your blood circulation.

How exactly does it do that?

Green tea works to widen your body’s blood vessels, which gives your blood a chance to more easily flow.

In order to see the benefits of green tea in your circulation, aim to drink 2-3 cups per day.

5. Dry brush your skin daily

Dry brushing is very simple to work into your daily routine and is great for removing dead skin and improving your circulation.

Every morning before you shower, take a dry brush and scrub your skin. But be sure you scrub it correctly.

Yes, there’s a technique to dry brushing your skin: start at your feet and rub in circles up to your heart.

You will see your skin’s surface become incredibly smooth, and you’ll feel your circulation improve.

6. Get rid of stress

Stress is one of the most damaging things you can do to your body. Your body goes completely out of whack when you are stressed — it goes into what is called “fight or flight” mode.

And stress can cause problems with your circulation as well.

However, by finding ways to reduce your stress, you can save your body from a number of issues, including circulation.

Here are some great ways to fight stress:

Yoga Mediation Limit caffeine intake Chew gum Journal Listen to relaxing music Spend time with friends and family

7. Cut back on alcohol

Moderate alcohol consumption can be okay for your body, but be sure you know how to define what “moderate” means. For most, that means no more than two drinks.

Drinking any more than that can lead to your arteries hardening, which hinders your body’s ability to let blood flow properly.

8. Elevate your legs

Elevating your legs is a great way to take the pressure off of your veins.

Regularly elevating your legs above your heart comes with a number of benefits, including:

Better blood circulation Reducing swelling in the legs Promoting the draining of your veins

Find 20 minutes in your day to elevate your legs, and you will feel a major difference in your circulation.

9. Stretching

With just a few minutes of basic stretching a couple of times a day, you can drastically improve your circulation.

Stretching works to increase blood flow to your body’s tissues and organs.

A majority of people spend their days sitting at a desk in the same position, which as you know, can cause a whole slew of problems.

Making an effort to get up regularly, walk around, and stretch can help fight circulation issues, as well as many other problems that result from spending too much time sitting.

Want to learn more about how to improve circulation?

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Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Satish Vayuvegula
Dr. Satish Vayuvegula is the National Medical Director at Vein Clinics of America. Certified by the American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine, Dr. Satish Vayuvegula is recognized as a physician who has met rigorous standards of knowledge and extensive training in phlebology, the diagnosis and treatment of varicose vein disease and related disorders. Dr. Satish also shares his passion and expertise by serving as a board member of the American Vein and Lymphatic Society, the predominant national organization for venous and lymphatic disease.

Better blood flow for a healthy you

Improving your blood circulation not only helps to strengthen your immunity but also reduces your risk of developing chronic diseases in the future.

The most common symptoms of Covid-19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath. There is also emerging data showing that Covid-19 not only causes respiratory illness, but is also associated with neurologic complications such as stroke.

OVER the past few months, the world has been grappling with the effects of the Covid19 pandemic, with more than 12 million people infected and a death toll of 552,000, according to the World Health Organization.

The most common symptoms of Covid-19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath. There is also emerging data showing that Covid-19 not only causes respiratory illness, but is also associated with neurologic complications such as stroke.

What do all these symptoms have in common? Impaired blood circulation. In fact, several retrospective clinical studies have shown that the Covid-19 virus is prone to attacking the lining of blood vessels all over the body, deteriorating the body defence system and forming blood clots in the blood vessels, which can ultimately lead to poor blood circulation.

Poor blood circulation is reflected in restricted or blocked blood flow to various parts of the body and vital organs such as brain, which is usually due to blockage of the blood vessels caused by blood clots resulted from platelet clumping (platelet aggregation). Subsequently, the lack of oxygen and nutrient supply to the organs may lead to:

• Fatigue
• Numbness and tingling sensations in the hands and feet
• Cold hands and feet
• Chronic or life-threatening diseases

Maintaining healthy blood circulation is important for a healthy life as it warrants the smooth flow of blood that carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, allowing vital organs such as the brain to function properly, as well as ensuring the efficient transport of immune cells around the body. Below are some tips to improve blood circulation:

• Regular exercise
• Massages
• Staying hydrated

For better blood circulation

YOU probably already know that it is important to keep your cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure at healthy levels. However, are you aware that maintaining healthy blood flow is just as important, especially once you are aged 40 and above?

Blood circulation is a significant body function as it distributes blood throughout the body, such as to the heart, brain and upper and lower limbs, to supply oxygen and nutrients and remove carbon dioxide and other waste products from the bloodstream.

As we age, blood is prone to be thicker (or more viscous) than usual, which can disrupt blood flow. When the blood flow through the blood vessels to a specific part of the body is reduced or blocked, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the organ tissues will be insufficient and can subsequently lead to several health complications, including:

Numbness and tingling sensations in hands and feet – When blood flow is restricted, blood cannot reach the extremities (hands and feet) sufficiently, which can result in numbness and tingling sensation.

Cold hands and feet – Normal body temperature depends on a consistent supply of blood for thermoregulation, as blood absorbs and distributes heat throughout the body. When blood flow is restricted, it can lead to temperature fluctuations of the skin and nerve endings of the hands and feet.

Fatigue – Inadequate delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the organs and muscle tissues can lead to an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. Poor blood circulation can also increase the burden on the heart as it needs to pump harder, which can lead to further fatigue.

Joint and muscle cramps – Inadequate oxygen to the muscle and joint tissues can cause severe pain and cramping in that particular area when walking or exercising.

Poor blood circulation can adversely affect health, emotional status and overall quality of life. There are several factors that can cause poor blood circulation, including age, overweight or obesity, poor eating habits, alcohol consumption, smoking, sedentary lifestyles and certain medical conditions such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Therefore, keeping our blood circulating efficiently is essential to overall physical well-being.

Discovering the goodness of natural water-soluble tomato extract

Tomato is a nutrient-dense food that offers numerous benefits to our health due to its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Emerging research has also shown that the natural water-soluble tomato extract found in the jelly around the seeds of sun-ripened tomatoes is highly concentrated with bioactive compounds such as nucleosides, polyphenols and flavonoids, and is clinically tested to improve blood circulation, according to a July 2010 article titled Scientific Opinion on the modification of the authorisation of a health claim related to water-soluble tomato concentrate and helps to maintain a healthy blood flow and benefits circulation pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 following a request in accordance with Article 19 of the Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 published in EFSA Journal.

Blood circulation is a significant body function as it distributes blood throughout the body, such as to the heart, brain and upper and lower limbs, to supply oxygen and nutrients and remove carbon dioxide and other waste products from the bloodstream. 

Biogrow Smoflo Capsule: The natural solution for healthy blood circulation

Biogrow Smoflo Capsule contains 150mg of Fruitflow natural water-soluble tomato extract (imported from France), which is clinically tested to improve blood circulation, according to the same EFSA Journal article. The Fruitflow natural water-soluble tomato extract is rich in bioactive compounds such as nucleosides, polyphenols and flavonoids.

It is recommended for middle-aged to older adults (above 40 years old) and individuals who want to improve or maintain blood circulation, have poor blood circulation, lead a hectic or unhealthy lifestyle and consume unhealthy diets.

Take one capsule daily after meals for healthy blood flow. Biogrow Smoflo Capsule is available in major pharmacies.

This article is brought to you by Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

For more information, visit www.biogrow. or call 03-7956 2220 (Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 5pm. Like the Facebook page at This is a traditional product advertisement. KKLIU No.1500/2020

A natural health supplement

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Fruitflow, a natural water-soluble tomato extract, is the first natural, scientifically proven ingredient that promotes healthy blood circulation. It consists of a number of bioactive compounds with anti-platelet properties such as nucleosides, polyphenols and flavonoids, which have been clinically proven to improve blood circulation.

A daily dose of just 150mg of Fruitflow natural water-soluble tomato extract can help to improve blood circulation by maintaining normal platelet aggregation, according to a 2010 article titled Scientific Opinion on the modification of the authorisation of a health claim related to water-soluble tomato concentrate and helps to maintain a healthy blood flow and benefits circulation pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 following a request in accordance with Article 19 of the Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 published in EFSA Journal.

While strengthening your immunity to fight against Covid-19 is important now, maintaining healthy blood circulation is vital to reduce your risk of developing serious illnesses in the future.

This article is brought to you by Biogrow.

• For more information, call 03-7956 2220 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm), visit www. and like the Facebook page at


Foods That Improve Circulation - Fisher-Titus Medical Center

Foods That Improve Circulation

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