
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Covid19 - USA is a basket case

China has kept the Covid virus away from its people for 3 years with a stringent lockdown. The Chinese people could move around inside China free from the virus, like living in a cocoon. While the Americans were suffering from more than 100m infections, probably double that as the numbers are unreliable knowing congenital American liars, and more than 1m deaths, again could be higher, China only had a couple of hundred thousand infections and about 5,000 deaths.

The Americans were envious and angry that their mismanagement and quarrelsome domestic politics have turned them into an international basket case, a nation with the most infection and most deaths while the Chinese were saved from this pandemic. So they went all out to smear the Chinese lockdown as violation of human rights. According to American so called human rights, freedom to do as everyone pleases is more important than protecting lives. The Chinese human rights chose to protect and save the lives of their people. China thus was repeatedly attacked by the Americans and demanding that the lockdown be removed to let the Chinese people move around freely like the Americans and infecting everyone like the Americans. If China would to listen to the Americans, the infection in China could be more than 300m or 400m and death could be several millions.

China avoided this disaster. The Chinese people were saved.

After 3 years of mutation, the virus has reached a stage as scientifically expected, to be be less virulent and less deadly. It is gradually turning into the common flu. Infections could be high but no longer as deadly as the beginning. China now decided to loosen the control measures which should make the Americans happy as that was what they were demaning. But no, the Americans are angry again, politicising the issue by raising barriers of entry to basket USA. 

When the loosening was first announced, many countries announced that they would not increase monitoring measures as they know that this was unnecessary. When China opens up, the Chinese would be exposed and infected by all the virus mutations from the rest of the world, especially from basket case America. When the Chinese visit these countries, visit basket America, the worse would be bringing back the same virus that these countries spread to them, and the same virus that these countries are living with. No big deal. 

But the Americans spread another lie, that the Chinese would bring in new mutations. What a joke. And silly American cronies and stooge countries also parroted this new anti China narrative as expected. Within a couple of weeks, all the American cronies and stooges, those that found no need to add new measures to check on Chinese visitors changed their position, under the coercion of the Americans of course. They have yet to say that they were coerced by the Chinese like they used to say in the past. When the Americans were the ones that were twisting their arms to make them do the American bidding, they would turn around to accuse the Chinese for doing it. These are they typical response from American cronies and stooges.

So, the world's number one basket Covid country is raising barriers to keep the world's lowest infected country, China, to stop the Chinese to visit them. What a joke! And the best part, all the retail business of these countries, especially those that are hoping for the high spending Chinese to bring in the tourist dollars, would be kept hanging up dry. The same scenario is repeating like forbidding the oil hungry Europeans from buying cheap Russia oil and gas, forbidding American chip manufacturers from selling their chips to the biggest buyer, China, left them all hungry and broke.

China should please the Americans and their cronies and stooges by banning their people from visiting these silly countries and basket America. There are many friendly countries and interesting places to go to and spend their cash.

What else can be more silly than a basket country like America, pretending to be afraid of being infected by Chinese coming out from a clean cocoon, afraid to be infected by the Chinese when the whole Ameican population is already infected?

Keep living with your lies and delusion, basket case America. The Covid virus is in your blood, inside every American due to your freedom to travel, for the virus as well. 

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