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Showing posts with label White supremacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White supremacy. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2021

When racism is not simply black and white


Climate of fear: Anti-Asian hate crimes and harassment have risen to historic levels during the Covid-19 pandemic. — AFP


“IT’S wrong, it’s un-American and it must stop”, President Joe Biden called out the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans during the pandemic on Thursday.

“Too often, we’ve turned against one another, ” the president said, denouncing the “vicious hate crimes against Asian Americans, who have been attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated.”

Biden noted that the attacks are happening despite the fact that “so many of them, our fellow Americans, ” are health care workers working on the front lines of the pandemic.

“And still, still, they are forced to live in fear for their lives, just walking down streets in America, ” he said.

Many on social media were quick to thank Biden for addressing the issue, saying that “words matter, ” and compared his rhetoric to that of former President Trump, who referred to Covid-19 as “China virus, ” among other derogatory terms.

Although this was not the first time Biden had highlighted it – in his first week in office Biden had issued a memo condemning racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders – this wave of violence had remained relatively low profile because it didn’t fit neatly into the standard narrative of race in America.

As Korean American writer Jay Caspian Kang put it in his article in The New York Times, many people don’t realise that Asian Americans comprise people of different ethnic backgrounds “who do not speak the same language and, in many cases, dislike one another.”

Then there is the perception of racial violence in the US as "simply black and white", he added: “What doesn’t exist now is a language to discuss what happens when the attackers caught on video happen to be black.”

There is also a problem of tracking these crimes, which are believed to be under-reported by victims wary of dealing with the police or contributing to the criminalisation of African Americans.

A new report published this week found that while hate crimes fell overall by 7% in 2020, Asian Americans experienced a 150% surge in attacks.

In July 2020, there were more than 2,100 anti-Asian American hate incidents that were directly related to the pandemic. According to Stop AAPI Hate, a tracker supported by Asian American advocacy groups, many of the incidents they tracked included a perpetrator using language similar to Trump’s.

Question of identity

Kiwi Wongpeng was stopping at a traffic light in suburban Cleveland when a man pulled up beside her and motioned for her to roll down the window.

“Get out of my country – that’s an order!” he shouted from his pickup. After a pause, he added: “I’ll kill you.”

It wasn’t her first brush with racism. But she had never heard something so direct and violent until last April, as cities around the country were shutting down amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

The man, she believed, must have mistaken her for Chinese and blamed her for the virus that was first detected in Wuhan, China.

“I’ve felt scared for not just myself, but my community and Asians all over this country, ” said Wongpeng, 34, whose family immigrated to the US from Thailand 20 years ago and runs a Thai restaurant.

Anti-Asian hate crimes climbed in 15 of the 16 cities in the past year, with New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Seattle and San Jose experiencing the most significant increases and their highest tallies in at least five years.

Chinese and Korean restaurants vandalised with anti-Asian epithets and stereotypes – “stop eating dogs, ” said the graffiti on a New York noodle shop. Elderly Asian Americans were shoved on the street in broad daylight. And a Burmese refugee and his children were attacked by a man with a knife.

Brian Levin, director of the Cal State center, described the growth in hatred as one of “historic significance for the nation.”

“Opinion polls, derisive online activity, harassment and crime data have converged to show a vast spread and increase in aggressive behavior toward Asian Americans, ” he said.

In New York, where the number of anti-Asian hate crimes jumped from three to 28, all but four were related to the coronavirus. Many of the 2020 incidents in New York – and across the country – occurred in the early days of the pandemic, when fears ran highest.

That February, an Asian American woman wearing a face mask in a Manhattan subway station was kicked and punched by a man who called her “diseased.”

In March, an Asian American man walking with his 10-year-old son was followed and hit over the head by a stranger who assailed him for not wearing a mask.

In April, an Asian American woman in the Bronx was attacked on a bus by a woman and three teenage girls who hit her with an umbrella and accused her of starting the pandemic.

“There’s no question about it: All Asians feel extra vulnerable because the attacks have definitely increased, ” said Don Lee, a community activist in Brooklyn. “The harassment, the pushing, the shoving.”

The most comprehensive national data on hate crimes comes from the FBI, which defines them as offenses “against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender or gender identity.”

The FBI, which relies on voluntary submissions from law enforcement agencies, is not expected to publish figures for 2020 until November. But all indications suggest it will prove to be a record year for hate crimes targeting Asians.

While most of what is known so far comes from major police departments that have released their own data, Levin said that some of the worst anti-Asian hate crimes occurred in smaller cities – including the attack on the Burmese refugee and his two sons.

Last March, 34-year-old Bawi Cung was grocery shopping at a Sam’s Club in Midland, Texas, when a man grabbed a knife from a nearby rack. Cung was slashed on his face, his 3-year-old was stabbed in the back, and his 6-year-old was stabbed in the face. A Sam’s Club employee intervened, tackling the suspect, 19-year-old Jose Gomez, who was indicted on hate crime and attempted murder charges and is awaiting trial.

“Gomez admitted, he confessed to trying to kill the family, ” said Midland Dist. Atty. Laura Nodolf.

“He thought that they brought the virus here and were trying to spread it” and that “all Asians must be from China.”

“Most people think hate crime, white sheets, white hats, going after someone who is of African descent, ” she said. “This is a whole new dynamic.”

The police department data do not include harassment, which has been vastly more common but is not considered criminal.

Stop AAPI Hate logged 1,990 anti-Asian harassment incidents and 246 assault cases in the 10 months after its launch in March 2020. The victims who Stop AAPI Hate tracked were largely Chinese Americans – 40% – and Korean Americans – 15%.

“That and victim statements tell us that people are likely targeting people who they believe are from China. Covid-19 did not start in Korea, but racists aren’t always accurate, ” stated Stop AAPI Hate.

Historical hatred

Anne Anlin Cheng, a professor of English and American studies at Princeton, believes there is a historical root to the anti-Asian violence spike in the past year.

“This recent onslaught of anti-Asian violence can partly be attributed to former president Trump, who spoke non-stop of the ‘Chinese virus’, but he could not have rallied the kind of hatred that he did without this country’s long history of systemic and cultural racism against people of Asian descent, ” she wrote in The New York Times.

She pointed out that Asian-Americans exist in “a weird but convenient lacuna in American politics and culture.”

If they register at all on the national consciousness, it is either as a foreign threat (the Yellow Peril, the Asian Tiger, the Spy, the Disease Vector) or as the domestic but ultimately disposable prism for deflecting or excusing racism against other minorities, she noted.

What many are not aware of is that our histories are more entangled than how we tell them, she said.

Few people know that many of the same families that amassed wealth through slavery also profited from the opium trade in China, she explained.

“Or that at least 17 Chinese residents were the targeted victims of one of the worst mass lynchings in American history in Los Angeles’ ‘Negro Alley’ in 1871; or that America’s immigration policy and ideas of citizenship were built on top of laws like the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, which barred Chinese labourers from immigrating to the US for 10 years.”

Mari Cobb, a 26-year-old immunology and genomics research lab technician at the University of Chicago, said she has watched in dismay as hatred even hit her. Her mother is Japanese American, and her father is white, which she said is how people usually see her.

This January at a Taco Bell, she was refilling her cup at the soda dispenser when a man approached her.

“The Oriental touched the dispenser!” he yelled. “Stop her! She started this whole thing!”

The reference to Covid-19 was clear.

Cobb later shared her story on Instagram, and eventually it was featured on, a testimonials site launched recently by the advocacy group Asian Americans Advancing Justice.

“Growing up, my mom told me this could happen, ” Cobb said. “But I think my white privilege has prevented me from experiencing a lot.”

In an era of growing activism against racism, she said that concern shouldn’t be limited to Black and Latino communities.

“There’s been an increase in more people trying to actively become anti-racist, and I think that’s great, but I also think you need to include Asian people in that conversation.” — Los Angeles Times/TNS/Agencies

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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Americans losing faith with Trump White Supremacy leads the the world in coronavirus cases & deaths and racial tensions

 Americans losing faith amid Washington failures

People protest over the death of George Floyd in New York, the United States, June 1, 2020. Photo: Xinhua

A recent survey found that an overwhelming majority of Americans believed their country had spiraled out of control, as the nation has been besieged by riots and a never-ending COVID-19 pandemic, with Chinese analysts warning that the US has become a "failed state."

The NBC News-Wall Street Journal survey showed that 80 percent of American voters felt their country was unstable. The "out of control" selection covers Republicans (66 percent), Democrats (92 percent), and Independents (78 percent).

Chinese experts noted that US society has become divergent and polarized, and regardless of their opinions on the Trump administration, most agreed on one thing - they had lost faith in their country.

The poll, released Sunday, came amid nationwide protests triggered by the death of George Floyd and widespread concerns from US local governments and experts that the protests could exacerbate the COVID-19 pandemic.

The NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll surveyed a sample of 1,000 voters, with a margin error of  3.59 percentage points.

According to the latest data on Monday from the Coronavirus Resource Center of Johns Hopkins University, confirmed cases in the US had reached 1,942,363, with the death toll hitting 110,514.

Data also revealed that it took the US 50 days for the number of COVID-19 patients grow from one to 1,000, and only eight days to see the number surge past 10,000 from March 11 to March 19. By the following week, the US had 100,000 confirmed cases. And in less than three months, the US reported 2 million cases.

 United States Leads the World in Covid-19 Deaths

NEW YORK, May 18 2020 (IPS) - It’s an indisputable fact: the United States leads the world in the number of Covid-19 deaths. As of 15 May, three months after the country’s first confirmed coronavirus death, the US death toll from the pandemic has reached a remarkable 88,000 deaths. That rising figure is more than double the number of coronavirus deaths of the next highest country, the United Kingdom at 34,000 deaths.

The pandemic is still in its early stages and many fear the worst is yet to come. Today’s coronavirus mortality picture will no doubt change over time, continuing to evolve and remaining a long-term threat, as the coronavirus spreads death and suffering to populations across the planet.

Among the world’s ten most populous countries, representing 58 per cent of the world’s population, a strong correlation exists between population size and the total number of annual deaths from all causes.

China and India, for example, represent 18 percent of the world’s population and about 18 percent of the world’s total number of annual deaths. Similarly, the United States population is 4 percent of the world’s population and has about 5 percent of the world’s annual number of deaths

However, the distribution of deaths from the coronavirus pandemic differs greatly from the distribution of the world’s total annual deaths. Whereas the US accounts for 5 percent of the world’s number of annual deaths, the country now has 29 percent of the world’s total Covid-19 deaths. In contrast, China, which accounts for 18 percent of the world’s total number of annual deaths, now has about 2 percent of the world’s total Covid-19 deaths (Figure 1).

Chen Xi, an associate professor of public health at Yale University, warned that amid the unrest, protocol has been ignored. People have forgotten about social distancing and self-quarantine which will lead to new COVID-19 infections.

The US government and society are giving up on virus prevention efforts due to ineffective measures aimed at subsiding the riots. The protesters could care less about the virus, and there are some who feel it's not as important as demonstrating against racism and police brutality, according to Chinese analysts.

The US, as a country that possesses the most advanced medical resources and scientific capabilities, ironically has become the nation hardest hit by the virus and deserves to be labeled as one of the world's most failed states amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Sun Chenghao, an assistant research professor at the Institute of American Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

"These are typical characteristics of a failed sate - angry people, an irresponsible and dysfunctional government, exhausted police force, low-credit media, and leaders without leadership capabilities. It seems like the US has them all," said a Beijing-based expert on China-US relationship who requested to remain anonymous.

On social media, there has been an overwhelming number of voices among Americans who believe the Trump administration failed the people. Some say the Trump administration is only creating divergence when it doesn't dare to slam racism, but instead threatens to quell the unrest with the military, while the country continues to suffer from the virus.

The poll also showed that Americans are troubled by other concerns. About 60 percent worry they or their family members could be infected by the virus, 46 percent thought the US economy was doing badly, and nearly 60 percent said they are more troubled by George Floyd's death and the actions of the police than the violent demonstrations.

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  Trump adds fuel to fire as racial tensions reach boiling point

"Lowlifes and losers": US President Donald Trump is doing his best to intensify the conflict instead of solving the problem by lashing out at the protesters and calling them lowlifes. Illustration: GT

"The lowlifes and losers are ripping you apart. Act fast!" US President Donald Trump decried protesters who refused to tolerate an unjust and racist system on Twitter Tuesday. Even if the President has made racist remarks many times in the past, the words he chose against the backdrop of the ongoing violent protests spreading across the US still shocked many people.

Protests triggered by the death of George Floyd have spread to at least 140 American cities, but it seems Trump has done little to appease the anger. Instead, he used tweets to hurl insults and threats, which has fueled rage and violence escalated as a result.

Calling protesters "lowlifes and losers," Trump clearly was attempting to demoralize protesters while catering to his white supremacist electoral base. Can you imagine Trump using the same words to refer to right-wing protesters at white supremacist demonstrations?

The riots have highlighted the racial injustice in US society. People take to the streets to vent their anger and disappointment toward the country that has tacitly allowed racial discrimination.

But, sadly under US electoral politics, the Trump administration has no interest in hearing their voices or finding a solution to the ingrained social woes.

African American voters are key to the Democratic Party, while Trump relies largely on a white, working-class base he energized in 2016. During the ongoing unrest, Trump cares more about how to embarrass and attack Democrats and woo white voters. He bashed Democrat-run cities, urging "Democrat Mayors and Governors" to "get tough" after riots broke out.

It's difficult to tell when the riots will come to an end. But it's almost certain that under the leadership of current US administration, especially within US electoral politics, it's hard to find a real solution to address racial injustice.

Racial issue has become a Gordian knot for the US. Racial inequality is so deeply-rooted that even an African American president failed to address it. Racial equality didn't improve during the tenure of former US president Barack Obama, but worsened. Under US electoral politics and given the country's institutional and structural defects, the historical injustice and inequality cannot be fixed.

Repeated riots over racial issue have shown that the US' racial equality policy has failed. When US strength was on the rise in the past, the country was able to allocate more resources to soothe ethnic minorities at the bottom.

But the US is declining, and, in the process, various conflicts have broken out compounded by the COVID-19 epidemic, which further constrained the US' ability to launch reforms. The two political parties of the US has neither real interest nor the necessary resources to completely address the racial inequality.

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

White supremacy - Terrorists attack mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand


Gunman live-streamed shooting at mosques

CHRISTCHURCH: An Australian gunman (pic) involved in attacks on New Zealand mosques that left at least 49 people dead published a racist manifesto on Twitter beforehand then livestreamed his rampage, according to an online analysis. 

Police called for people not to share the video, which showed the gunman shooting repeatedly at worshippers from close range.

“Police are aware there is extremely distressing footage relating to the incident in Christchurch circulating online,” New Zealand police said in a Twitter post.

“We would strongly urge that the link not be shared. We are working to have any footage removed.”

The media analysed a copy of the Facebook Live video, which shows a clean-shaven, Caucasian man with short hair driving to the Al Noor Mosque in central Christchurch, then shooting as he enters the building.

It was determined the video was genuine through a digital investigation that included matching screenshots of the mosque taken from the gunman’s footage with multiple images available online showing the same areas.

The manifesto detailing motivations for the attack was posted yesterday morning onto a Twitter account with the same name and profile image as the Facebook page that streamed the attack.

Entitled The Great Replacement, the 73-page document said the gunman had wanted to attack Muslims.

The title of the document has the same name as a conspiracy theory originating in France that believes European populations are being displaced in their homelands by immigrant groups with higher birth rates.

The manifesto said the gunman identified himself an Australia-born, 28-year-old white male from a low-income, working-class family.

He said that key points in his radicalisation were the defeat of the French far-right leader Marine Le Pen in 2017 elections, and the death of 11-year-old Ebba Åkerlund in the 2017 Stockholm truck attack.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed the attacker at the Masjid al Noor mosque was an Australian.

“We stand here and condemn, absolutely the attack that occurred today by an extremist, right-wing, violent terrorist,” said Morrison.

New Zealand authorities said that three people had been arrested, but their identities were not made public.

The media confirmed the authenticity of the live-streamed video partly by matching the distinctive features at the mosque seen in the footage with images available online.

These included a fence, postbox and doorway at the entrance to the mosque. — AFP

Christchurch appears to be the latest in a global series of rightwing terror

People arrive for Sunday services at the Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina after a shooting.
People arrive for Sunday services at the Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina after a shooting. Photograph: John Taggart/EPA

In the past eight years, across continents, white supremacists have repeatedly chosen the same targets for shootings, stabbings, bombings and car attacks.

The mass shootings on Friday targeting two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 49 people, appear to be the latest in a drumbeat of attacks motivated by the belief that the white race is endangered. The perceived threats include Jews, Muslims, immigrants, refugees, feminists and leftist politicians.

The attackers have not been part of a single white supremacist group. But they are steeped in the same global racist propaganda, fluent in the same memes and conspiracies, and the perpetrator of one attack often references the names of the killers who came before.

In less than a decade, these attacks have included:

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