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The enzyme that could help 700 million people with chronic kidney disease
One in every 10 Malaysian adults suffers from kidney disease.
In Malaysia, one in 10 adults suffers from chronic kidney disease.
Chronic kidney disease is defined as abnormalities to the kidney structure or function for more than three months.
Dr Go Kuan Weng from KPJ Hospital Ipoh shared that chronic kidney disease is more common than one would think.
However, not many are aware of the risk factors and implications it has on their lives.
Dealing with the underlying issue
When a patient is diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, the first step in preventing further deterioration of kidney function is to manage the underlying cause.
The top causes of chronic kidney disease in Malaysia are diabetes and hypertension.
According to Dr Loo Chee Yean from Sri Kota Medical Centre in Klang, Selangor, if blood sugar and hypertension are under control in the early stages of chronic kidney disease, kidney failure can be delayed.
Eating your way to healthier kidneys
Other than the use of medication to manage blood pressure and blood sugar levels, chronic kidney disease patients will need lifestyle changes.
One of these changes is the adoption of a low-protein, kidney-friendly diet.
Patients who adopt a low protein diet will need to only consume about 600mg of protein per kg body weight a day.
Dr Loo shares that numerous studies have shown adoption of a low protein diet can delay chronic kidney disease from advancing to kidney failure.
Dr Chiew Yeong Woei from Hospital Lam Wah Ee in Georgetown, Penang, adds that chronic kidney disease patients should consult a dietitian to learn how to identify and calculate the protein they consume.
Delaying progression with keto acid therapy
The main goal of treating chronic kidney disease is to delay its progression and prevent the need for dialysis.
Management typically consists of medication to treat the underlying cause of chronic kidney disease, and lifestyle modifications such as adoption of a low protein diet to reduce the kidney's workload.
Medical experts also recommend the use of keto acid therapy in chronic kidney disease management.
Keto acid therapy is the use of special compounds known as ketoanalogues to help delay the progression of kidney disease.
In the study Do Ketoanalogues Still Have a Role in Delaying Dialysis Initiation in CKD Predialysis Patients? from the Seminars in Dialysis journal, incorporation of keto acid therapy in the management of chronic kidney disease was shown to be able to delay the progression of the disease, and in turn, delay the onset of kidney failure and the need for dialysis.
In addition, this therapy is safe and reliable when used properly.
To understand how keto acid therapy works, one must know what ketoanalogues are.
Ketoanalogues are nitrogen-free versions of essential amino acids.
Incorporation of keto acid therapy reduces the burden on the kidneys as it converts the nitrogenous waste into essential amino acids via the process of transamination.
This in turn provides the body with the nutrients it needs to function well, explains Dr Chew Thian Fook from KPJ Hospital Seremban.
Besides, acidosis in the body will be reduced and can help patients feel better with improved appetite through the reduction of nitrogenous waste.
by L Koppe · 2019 · Cited by 53 — The aim of this review is to summarize the potential effects of this dietary therapy on renal function, uremic toxins levels, and nutritional ...
by M Wang · 2019 · Cited by 32 — Keto-analogues therapy with LPD provides sufficient essential amino acid intake without protein waste and excess metabolic toxin production ...
by HJ Schober-Halstenberg · 2005 · Cited by 1 — In summary, (keto/amino acid-supplemented)
pro- tein-restricted diets should play a principal role in the
treatment of patients with CKD because such a diet.
Keto analogues of essential amino acids, when administered in effective doses, exert a variety of metabolic effects and can be used to therapeutic advantage ...
27 In 2013, there was a consensus of many experts that keto-acid therapy in predialysis chronic kidney disease patients is an essential part of therapy. 28 The ...
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