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Showing posts with label Speed. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How good is your Internet?


MCMC’s new Nexus app lets you rate the service

PETALING JAYA: With consu­mers spending their hard-earned money on quality Internet ­services from telecommunication providers, the question remains: How can they ensure they are getting what they paid for?

On top of that, issues such as dropped connections, slow download and upload speeds, along with inconsistent Internet coverage throughout a premises leave many wondering whether the service they receive matches their subscription.

Recognising these concerns, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has introduced a new tool to empower consumers with insights into whether they are receiving adequate service.

Dubbed the MCMC Nexus application, the app allows users to assess their Internet speed, functionality and overall connection quality based on the Mandatory Standards for Quality of Service (MSQoS).

Try it now: The beta version of the newly developed MCMC Nexus app that accurately measures the speed and quality of the Internet service on your phone is available for download. — Low Boon Tat/The StarTry it now: The beta version of the newly developed MCMC Nexus app that accurately measures the speed and quality of the Internet service on your phone is available for download. — Low Boon Tat/The Star

Currently in its beta version, the app offers comprehensive speed test functionalities, inclu­ding measurements for download and upload speeds, jitter and ping across 4G, 5G and Wi-Fi networks.

The app will be officially introduced at the Malaysian pavilion of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona that is taking place until March 6.

Businesses can also benefit from its route and building survey features.

Route surveys allow users to track connection quality along a specific route while building surveys enable users to determine Wi-Fi signal strength at different locations within a building.

“The information is then relay­ed in near real-time to both service providers and MCMC, allowing them to monitor service qua­lity.

“This enables proactive action to be taken to address issues,” MCMC commissioner Derek Fer­nandez (pic) said in an interview.

For best results, users should enable location settings and dis­able virtual private networks.

When asked how MCMC Nexus differs from other self-conducted internet speed tests, Fernandez explained that test results are directly transmitted to service providers and MCMC via their dashboards.

“The test results serve as indicators, alerting operators and regulators of problems that warrant further attention.

“This allows MCMC and telcos to deploy ground units to survey the affected area and enhance service quality,” he said.

Depending on location and com­plaint volume, ground teams can arrive within 48 hours to investigate issues.

The test results are displayed using a colour-coded system with green showing that the service meets minimum MSQoS and red, the opposite.

“However, a green indicator does not necessarily mean the service meets the contract standards agreed upon with the provider,” Fernandez clarified.

He emphasised that the app reflects the government and MCMC’s commitment to transpa­rency, fairness and cooperation in the telecommunications sector towards a sustainable and inclusive digital economy.

“People are human beings and assets to businesses – not pro­ducts,” he stressed.

The app’s development, operation and testing were led by MCMC’s Central Monitoring Divi­sion and Geospatial and Data Management Division, collectively known as the MCMC Nexus team.

Following the commission’s approval of the project on Jan 10 last year, Fernandez spearheaded the initiative.

“We had an in-house development team working alongside an external engine provider. More importantly, the app is proprieta­ry to MCMC,” he said, adding that it took one year to develop.

Fernandez also noted that telcos can benefit from the app as it aids network planning, congestion management and service optimisation.

“This tool can save telcos a lot of money since they don’t have to physically go to the ground to check, but instead utilise the data sent through the application to identify potential pain points.”

The beta version of the app is now available for Android users on Google Play Store, while the iOS version is currently in development.

The full version of the app is expected to be released by mid-2025.

Users can provide feedback on the beta testing phase by e-mailing

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Friday, March 29, 2024

Malaysia's internet still not quite up to speed


Group push for higher broadband standards amid new regulations

PETALING JAYA: New regulations are set to take effect on April 1 to enhance the overall quality of wireless broadband services, with telcos required to deliver a minimum download speed of 7.7mbps.

But with the regulatory body, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), saying that the product offerings of telcos to users will not be affected, meaning that plans below 7.7Mbps will not change after April 1, consumer and other groups have countered to say that the aim should be to improve user experience.

Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca) vice-president and legal adviser Datuk Indrani Thuraisingham said the download speed of 7.7mbps set is not good enough as Malaysia aims to be one of the top AI hubs in the region.

“We need to compare ourselves with other neighbouring countries to ensure that we will be able to compete,” she said when contacted yesterday.

ALSO READ : ‘Current mobile plans not affected by new standard’

Malaysian Association of Standards Users (Standards Users) secretary-general Saral James Maniam said the existing Mandatory Standards for Quality of Service (MSQoS) aims to safeguard consumer interests and ensure optimal wireless broadband services, while the updated one focuses on further enhancing Internet service quality across the country.

“The new MSQoS mandates an average download speed of at least 7.7Mbps, compared with the existing requirement of 2.5Mbps for mobile and 25Mbps for fixed wireless access.

“The standards will ensure the providers comply to prioritise quality and potentially invest in upgrades to meet the new standards,” she said.

After conducting a comparison of Internet download speeds in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia, she said she found that “Malaysia can do much better”.

She said Singapore currently has among the fastest mobile download speeds at 264.15Mbps while its fixed broadband download speed is at 263Mbps.

“Singapore leads with the fastest speeds in both categories. Thailand and Vietnam have moderate speeds. Malaysia must maintain a speed that is at least comparable to that of Indonesia’s and 7.7Mbps is very low,” she added.

Saral James said MCMC will monitor compliance with the new minimum standard and penalties might apply for non-compliance, highlighting the importance of adhering to the new standards.

“There is a transparency needed on how the compliance will be monitored,” she said, adding that it would be better if users also monitor their download speeds.

“The question is what is the application available for the consumer to check and report?” she asked.

Malaysia Cyber Consumer Association president Siraj Jalil said it is important for service providers to give a clear baseline on minimum download speed.

“This will be good for users; if they understand what is their right, their awareness will increase. The authorities should also from time to time measure the service providers’ services,” said the head of the body which focuses on educating users on digital technology,

Consumers Association of Penang’s (CAP) education officer NV Subbarow said it is the duty of the government to provide the best facilities to consumers.

“Consumers are paying the charges they are requesting. The service providers must ensure and strictly follow the new ruling,” he said.


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Malaysia's Broadband Plans Not Up to Speed Yet

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Malaysia's Broadband Plans Not Up to Speed Yet

Still waiting: Some existing users are exasperated as they have yet to enjoy the higher broadband speeds promised by their service providers.

Broadband users also complain of not enjoying lower prices

PETALING JAYA: The telcos may have announced lower prices and faster Internet speeds, but many existing fixed broadband users are complaining that they have yet to enjoy these benefits.

On Sunday, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) announced that Telekom Malaysia (TM), Maxis, Celcom and Time have introduced new entry-level plans below RM100 that are more than 30% cheaper.

But the price reduction and speed increase brought about by the Mandatory Standard on Access Pricing (MSAP), which was implemented on June 8, have yet to trickle down to consumers.

Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo said in a statement he was aware that not all existing fixed broadband users are enjoying higher speeds and lower prices.

“I found that the packages do not lower the price of services to existing customers. This means that they cannot benefit from the new packages immediately,” said Gobind.

“I will meet with the telco representatives to discuss this matter in the near future. At the same time, I would also like to emphasise that telcos that have offered the new packages should ensure the services are actually implemented.”

Gobind said MCMC is required to monitor the implementation of the new plans and manage all complaints received and to take firm action where necessary to ensure that the services provided are in line with what was promised.

MaxisOne Home Fibre subscriber Leela Krishnan is disappointed that she has yet to receive any update from Maxis.

“No SMS, e-mail or call from the company to tell how MSAP would affect my monthly bill, or what new plans are available for me,” said the graphics designer, 44.

Maxis said the upgrade was not automatic for existing customers as they have to first pick one of two plans – 30Mbps at RM89 or 100Mbps at RM129 per month.

They can do so at the Maxis page,, but will be recontracted for 24 months. Also, customers who break the new contract will incur a RM500 penalty.

Maxis said recontracting is necessary as it is providing a new router which is capable of maximising the higher speed for WiFi, and at no cost to the consumer.

Astro IPTV customers have also been left hanging on the status of their packages as the company has yet to announce anything.

Idzla Hafiz, 34, who is using the Astro IPTV 10 package, said he is paying RM148 for a mere 10Mbps broadband speed, and he has not received any updates.

“I hope I won’t be paying the same amount next month because that means I will be spending RM59 more than Maxis users and still get a lower speed,” he said.

An Astro spokesman told The Star that the company is still in discussion with its broadband partners – Time and Maxis.

“Discussions are progressing well and we hope our broadband partners will extend the same benefits to our Astro IPTV customers,” the spokesman said, adding that it hopes to make an announcement soon.

Meanwhile, TM’s free upgrade for existing users, which started in August, is expected to go on until the first quarter of next year, as it says it has over 800,000 subscribers to upgrade.

Unifi Home 20Mbps or lower subscribers will be upgraded to 100Mbps, 30Mbps to 300Mbps, 50Mbps to 500Mbps and 100Mbps to 800Mbps.

Public relations consultant Daniel Yao, a Unifi customer of seven years, said it is “ridiculous” that Unifi introduced a cheaper plan for new users but long-time users are still stuck in the same plans.

He said Unifi informed him that the only way to opt for the cheaper and faster plan is to terminate his current package and sign up for a new one.

“That means I need to sign a new contract and redo the whole thing at a TM office,” he added.

TM’s Streamyx customers, especially in the outskirts, have also been complaining to MCMC on Twitter that they are still not being upgraded to Unifi and are being forced to pay more for lower speeds due to lack of infrastructure.

“I found out that there are no suggestions provided to address the issues faced by existing Streamyx users, therefore this is something I need to tackle immediately,” said Gobind.

As at press time, TM has yet to respond to queries from The Star.

Celcom, which offers its Home Fibre plans only in Sabah, said it has upgraded all existing customers to the higher speeds and lower prices since September without recontracting.

All its Home Fibre users, starting from 10Mbps, were upgraded to 100Mbps, and their bill reduced to RM120 per month.

The telco said those who have yet to receive their upgrades can contact its customer service line at 1-300-11-3282.

Time also claims that it has upgraded all its existing users and notified them via e-mail.

The 100Mbps plan (RM149) was upgraded to 500Mbps (RM139) while the 300Mbps (RM189) and 500Mbps (RM299) plans were both upgraded to 1Gbps (RM189).

However, the new subscription fees will only be reflected in bills that are issued from Oct 15 onwards.

If users are still facing slow speeds, it recommends that they restart their router and perform another speed test.

It is best done via a desktop or laptop connected to the router via an Ethernet cable, as users may not be able to get the full speed via WiFi.

If nothing works, users can get in touch with Time via 1800-18-1818 or

Source: The Star by angelin yeoh, mei mei chu, and sharmila nair


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