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Showing posts with label iPhone (iOS). Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone (iOS). Show all posts

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Death of the iPhone

When I first predicted the "death of the iPhone" in January 2016, most people just laughed.

But when Apple reported its first-ever decline in iPhone sales just three months later, many began to quiet down and listen.

Now, even Tim Cook is recognizing the slowdown, after posting a surprise sales decline in second-quarter earnings this week.

According to Apple's own CEO:

"We're seeing what we believe to be a pause in purchases on iPhone."

Cook has his own theories, but he's missing the bigger picture. Apple has failed to innovate, and it's costing the company a fortune.

Many are banking on the iPhone 8, but the truth is even it won't stand up to what's coming next::

Simply put, the age of the iPhone is coming to an end...

And the age of augmented and virtual reality is just around the corner.

For investors, that means a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you don't want to miss.

Good Investing,
Stutman sig