Health minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa says appointments for outpatient treatment and other visits in 2023 may be made on the MySejahtera app starting today.
MySejahtera services to include booking for hospital, clinic appointments .
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PUTRAJAYA: Patients can expect shorter waiting times at government health facilities now that the appointment system in MySejahtera has been expanded to include other services like outpatient treatment, says the Health Minister.
“The services that will be included are outpatient treatment, National Health Screening Initiative (NHSI), Peka B40 health screening, pre-employment/pre-education health inspection, pre-marriage screening (KBM), Stop Smoking Service, family planning services, and health procedures such as wound treatment and others,” Dr Zaliha Mustafa said.
The service has been implemented in 673 health clinics in phases beginning with the NHSI programme, PeKA B40 and KBM.
It will be expanded to other services in stages to also address overcrowding at registration counters, she said in a statement yesterday.
She said her ministry is committed to digitalising all health systems in line with its Digital Strategic Plan 2021-2025 under the second Core Strategy, which is the Strengthening of New Technology.
She said the appointment system was meant to help health facilities plan and arrange their service schedule based on their capacity.
Dr Zaliha also said among the advantages of this online appointment system is that clients can plan visits to primary health facilities according to the scheduled time.
“Other than that, clients can change their schedule through the MySejahtera app without having to call the health facility.
“This system will also have an automated reminder so that clients can attend their appointment according to the schedule date and time,” she said.
She added for emergency cases such as fever or contagious diseases, the public can straight go to any clinic without having to make any appointment.
The appointment system in MySejahtera for 2023 is already active and bookings can be made immediately.
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