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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Worsen US coronavirus pandemic could be a global issue, Ignorance is bliss


Zhong Nanshan

In an interview with CGTN on April 3, China's top respiratory scientist  Zhong Nanshan said lockdown measures adopted by some countries in Europe or the United States are not effective as they are not exactly implementing real lockdown. He said that the lockdown should go deeper and be stricter, stressing the importance of social distancing to stop the spread of the coronavirus. "Nobody can block, can stop the spreading or stop the infection of this kind of disease. But we can try to do our best to inhibit the spreading. So, that's what we are successful," he added.

 US must take more stringent containment measures: top respiratory expert

Zhong Nanshan, 80, China's revered infectious disease expert, warned on Thursday that if the COVID-19 outbreak continues to worsen in the US, it could become a global issue, since the number of US confirmed cases account for almost a quarter of global cases.

"I am now gravely concerned with the epidemic in the US, and if it gets worse, it will become a global problem," Zhong said on Thursday night during a COVID-19 international experience sharing and exchange video conference.

Zhong said that he noticed a significant increase in the number of COVID19 patients in the US over the past few days, suggesting that the country has begun mass screening of its citizens.

Screening in the US is progressing very advanced, Zhong noted. It takes about 15-20 minutes for a patient to get test results, while it currently takes an hour and a half in China, he said.

"US has made much progress in testing and determining the infected patients, but tracing all their close contacts, separating them, isolating them and cutting the transmission chain is much important," Zhong said.

Zhong urged the US federal government to adopt stronger measures to stem the spread of the pandemic in the US.

The US has reported more than 241,000 cases as of late Thursday, almost a quarter of confirmed cases in the world, and more than 5,800 deaths.

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COVID-19 cases in US top 300,000: Johns Hopkins University

The number of COVID-19 cases in the United States topped 300,000 by 3:40 p.m. local time Saturday (1940 GMT), according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

China, US cooperation key to battling coronavirus, restarting global economy

Whether the US and China can now pivot toward collaboration where interests overlap will shape the degree of global cooperation with regard to both more effectively combating the coronavirus and no less, in the huge challenge of restarting the global economy.

China's test kit providers call on world to stop smearing Chinese assistance

Chinese coronavirus test kits are desperately clamored for by many foreign clients, but some unfriendly Western media outlets have chosen to smear and discredit made-in-China products.

Westerners should embrace use of masks: Global Times editorial

Masks can help prevent people from being infected. The suggestion is scientific and Asian countries have a lot of experience in this regard. However, excessive cultural confidence has hindered the US and European countries from giving due attention to the experience of their Asian counterparts.

Ignorance is bliss

However, the kind ailing that United States' top brass has come at a devastasting cost to the Uncle Sam

A news report appeared in the New York Times a week ago. It was probably glossed over, even in the Big Apple, as most New Yorkers struggle with overnight unemployment and keeping a roof over their heads.

It was conspicuously absent from CNN’s newsfeeds, too, despite its world-wide audience, as it remains preoccupied with ridiculing President Trump, while Fox News was per-script in blaming the virus on China.

Most of us outside the US were expectedly unaware of this significant event.

But on March 29, the NY Times reported about a commercial aircraft carrying 80 tonnes of gloves, masks, gowns and other medical supplies from Shanghai, touching down in New York last Sunday, marking the first of 22 scheduled flights that White House officials say will supply much-needed goods to the US by early April.

The NY Times is a credible 169-year-old American newspaper with a worldwide influence and readership. It has won 127 Pulitzer Prizes – more than any other newspaper.

The report quoted Lizzie Litzow, a spokeswoman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, who said the plane delivered 130,000 N95 masks, 1.8 million face masks and gowns, 10 million gloves and thousands of thermometers for distribution in NY, New Jersey and Connecticut.

Apparently, there should be subsequent flights to Chicago and Ohio, where supplies will be despatched to other states using private-sector distribution networks.

Now, here’s the gem. The NY Times added, attributing a White House spokesman, that the shipment from China which arrived in NY was the product of a public-private partnership – led by President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner – with major health care distributors including McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Owens & Minor, Medline and Henry Schein.

Representatives from those companies had previously met with Trump at the White House.

So, while Trump was busy throwing punches at China, with his incessant China Virus remarks, he was, instead, quietly seeking help from the republic behind the scenes.

Trump isn’t the only one culpable, either. His Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is equally pompous with his obsession in lambasting China for everything, including Covid-19, from which spawned the now-infamous “China Virus” line.

His remarks have become much more contagious than the virus itself with each passing day.

The virus struck Wuhan, China, in December last year, then spread to Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore, during which Trump was still dismissive of it.

He portrayed it as a mere flu bug, with his predictable barrage of false claims and fake news, and even until last month, he kept repeating that Covid- 19 was not as bad as the seasonal flu.

And of course, as the rest of Asia was busy stocking up on face masks, sterilisers and food supplies, he still insisted that “the United States is in a far better shape than other countries.”

None of us in Asia, especially, believed him. In fact, we feel sorry that many ordinary Americans didn’t wake up to the threat. Echoing their president’s sentiments, they assumed the US would be immune to it. Mr T shot from the hip again, and in his usual condescending manner.

After all, Asians deserve it, what with their filthy eating habits and dirty animal markets, right?

The British likely thought the same, and continued to attend huge gatherings like football matches, and went on pub crawls and walks in the park, too.

Asians watched in exasperation at the continuing nonchalance of these people.

Incredibly, as the bodies pile up at the morgue, there are US leaders who continue to engage in the meaningless blame game.

If they think they can gain sympathy with this inane approach, they should know that the virus isn’t going away, and eventually, victims will wise up. And as leaders, they will still have to tackle this health disaster.

As of now, US health workers have resorted to rationing protective gear or using homemade supplies, with the Department of Health and Human Services saying it estimates the US will require 3.5 billion masks if the pandemic lasts a year.

The NY Times, quoting Litzow, said “the overwhelming demand has set off a race among foreign countries, American officials at all levels of government and private individuals to acquire protective gear, ventilators and other much-needed goods from China, where newly built factories are churning out supplies even as China’s own epidemic wanes.”

It added that the US was working with manufacturers from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, India, Honduras and Mexico.

Until a few months ago, the US was halting trade with China, imposing barriers and tariffs, and kicking out US-based Chinese scientists, but now, the NY Times reports that “American governors, mayors and lawmakers have been trying to arrange their own shipments of products from China, with some saying the federal government has been moving too slowly, which risks losing out to other foreign buyers.

“American officials have leaned on sister cities and province relationships, liaison offices they had set up in China to attract investment and connections with state-run Chinese companies to try to secure scarce equipment.”

It also said that the private sector, comprising a motley crew of wealthy individuals, charitable organizations and corporate executives with connections to China, have also stepped forward to help deliver goods to the United States.

Tragically, as Italy and Spain, among other nations, battle helplessly against the Covid-19 virus, the European Union’s miserable failure casts a long shadow. No EU member has sent aid to their Italian brethren.

The politicians can question China’s motives in its aid offer, in what is now dubbed the “face mask diplomacy”, but real help goes a long way in tough times. Talk is cheap, President Trump.

Representing the private sector, Jack Ma, the Chinese billionaire and co-founder of Alibaba, donated a million masks and 500,000 test kits to the US.

Other benefitting countries of the masks will include Spain, Belgium and France, with the same resource already sent to Czech Republic, Greece and Serbia.

For Malaysia, China has donated 100,008 units of novel coronavirus nucleic acid diagnostic (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) test kits, 100,000 pieces of N95 face masks, 500,000 pieces of surgical masks, 50,000 units of personal protective equipment (PPE) and 200 ventilators.

The Committee of 100, a leadership organisation of Americans of Chinese descent, has raised US$1mil (RM4.3mil) to purchase medical supplies and protective gear from around the world to help their country.

Against this backdrop of generosity and care, Pompeo still had time to hold a global teleconference on March 29, as he continued his offensive on China for its alleged campaign of misinformation on the virus.

Ibut yourself, President Trump. Likewise, Pompeo.

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Germany says US 'hijacked' 200000 masks at Bangkok airport

Modern-day piracy': German official says US swooped on ...

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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic accelerated as West’s sense of superiority caused failure to act promptly and lies about China

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Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak Across the World  -
Western Media Lies about China //  关于中国的谎言

China is Getting Smarter //  中国越来越聪明了!

I'm in the World's Safest Country // 全球最安全的国家

West’s sense of superiority caused failure to act promptly

An ambulance sits outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC, Monday. Photo: AFP

West’s sense of superiority caused failure to act promptly

Over the past few weeks, the COVID-19 outbreak has accelerated across Western countries with blistering speed. As of the start of April, there are over 189,000 cases in the US, with the European continent also suffering hefty growth rates, especially in Italy and Spain. The crisis has prompted a growing level of heated rhetoric in some circles suggesting China should now "atone" or "pay a price" for the virus and the economic damage it will inflict on these countries.

Most graphically, an anonymous figure in the British government says that there ought to be a "reckoning" for Beijing once the crisis comes to an end. Solutions proposed have ranged from sanctions, to boycotts, to outright decoupling of societies and descending into nationalist indignation and finger pointing.

The argument for this is that China has not been transparent enough in dealing with the virus, and underreported the scale of the epidemic and therefore exacerbated its spread catching Western countries "off guard." This was the line with what US President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo mouthed over the past few weeks.

Their response should serve as a template for an unreasonable argument, as it epitomized the politics of privilege and deflection. Some Western countries are effectively trying to offload its own governance failures onto China, making it a convenient international scapegoat. In doing so, they are making priori assumptions that China could not have been legitimately successful in handling the virus, and then in turn used this to downplay their own inability to prepare for epidemic, saying Beijing could not be trusted.

For many decades, the West has lived in a state of privilege. Not since World War II has the majority of its population experienced any kind of serious hardship, instability or detrimental chaos that has regularly afflicted the developing world and transformed life into a struggle for survival itself. Developed countries have not faced internal conflicts, poverty, and famine nor disease outbreaks. As a result, this has ingrained a perception within the Western psyche that relative security, prosperity and order constitute as benign "normality" in contrast to the rest of the world, which does not have such privileges.

People in the West are inclined to believe that disease outbreaks are something that only happens in "foreign," "oriental" and "exotic" countries that don't share the so-called civilized and superior Western way of life. The idea that something like that could happen in privileged country is inconceivable and an injustice, and someone or some country must be held accountable.

As a result of these underlying beliefs, Western governments did not take the COVID-19 outbreak seriously. They observed it for two months, yet did little to prepare. An example of this on a political level is the behavior of the Trump administration, which imposed massive spending cuts on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, failed to acquire testing infrastructure on time, downplayed multiple intelligence reports warning of a potential pandemic and repeatedly sought to dismiss it out of hand for the sake of the country's economy.

On a social level, the Western public did not respond well either. Few in Europe have worn masks and few were willing to observe adequate social distancing recommendations until they were forced to, by which point the outbreak was already serious. Yet as it hits hard, suddenly these countries want to absolve themselves of responsibility and point fingers at Beijing. Given the overwhelming criticism of China's governance structure from these same countries, it seems unreasonable for them to suddenly pretend they were deceived.

Distrust is usually taken as a mandate to be more cautious, not less. Claiming ever increasingly nonsensical exaggerations of China's own reported case numbers reveals their own inability to act and deprive Beijing's virus fight of any legitimacy. It's curious that none of China's neighbors have suffered as must as the US and Europe. Most Asian countries don't have a mind-set of cultural privilege and complacency and take all potential pandemics seriously.

The West is trying to deflect blame, exacerbated by a mind-set which interprets disease outbreaks not as an inevitable aspect of the human condition, but something belonging to exotic, oriental and poorer nations.

This unwarranted sense of privilege has caused Western countries' complacency, and only they are to blame for the tragic results.

By Tom Fowdy - The author is a British political and international relations analyst and a graduate of Durham and Oxford universities.

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CIA is US govt’s pawn to fabricate lies about China

Photo: IC and AFP

Bloomberg published an article on Wednesday saying that the US intelligence community concluded in a "classified report" to the White House that China has "concealed" the extent of the COVID-19 outbreak, "under-reporting" the confirmed cases and deaths of the virus. Two US officials who asked not to be identified said the report concludes that "China's numbers are fake."

The US has failed to whitewash its incompetence in fighting the epidemic on its home soil, so the US intelligence agencies are dispatched to do the dirty jobs. They have been forging and disseminating false information just to save face. They have no reputation at all. The CIA is completely a shame of intelligence.

Do US intelligence agencies have enough evidence to prove more people have died from COVID-19 in China? It seems that for the intelligence agency of the most developed country, lying and smearing are the only things that the CIA is capable of. It first released a so-called classified report and then refused to disclose more information, saying it's "confidential." This is political hooliganism.

The CIA, the so-called professional intelligence agency of the US, has many scandals. It is accustomed to forgery, monitoring and lying. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo once said: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole…We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment." That was one of the few times when he was telling the truth.

The timing of the release of Bloomberg's report is noteworthy. Both the number of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 are rising rapidly every day worldwide, including the US. Over 210,000 confirmed cases have been reported in the US as of press time. On Tuesday, the number of COVID-19 deaths of the US surpassed that of China. Precisely on the second day, many Western media started to question whether China's data was trustworthy. Now, US intelligence agencies have come out to further blacken China. Isn't their intention much too obvious?

All of these explain one fact: US politicians cannot accept that China has had a better control of the COVID-19 epidemic than the US does. After seeing that the US' death toll of the virus has surpassed that of China, their last psychological defense has collapsed.

According to Bloomberg, in addition to China, Western officials also pointed to Iran, Russia, Indonesia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, saying that these countries may also be "playing down their numbers" as well. None of these countries is a typical "Western country," and thus have been regarded as "exotic" countries. The US believes that ideology is much more important than the reality and fact. We can imagine that no matter how many deaths China reported, US intelligence agencies will not accept the data, unless the number meets the standards they have had in their mind.

Thus, the CIA is not a so-called independent agency of the US federal government at all. It only acts as a pawn of the US government, chasing and attacking those it regards as rivals, with its eyes blinded by an ideological frenzy.

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US must take more stringent containment measures: top respiratory expert

Zhong Nanshan, 80, China's revered infectious disease expert, warned on Thursday that if the COVID-19 outbreak continues to worsen in the US, it could become a global issue, since the number of US confirmed 

'American exceptionalism' has become deadly arrogance

The US has had the highest number of coronavirus infected cases in the world. It is time for Washington to abandon its exceptionalism, spare no efforts to learn successful countermeasures and experience from other countries, and cooperate with any country that can get it through these tough times. This is the only way the US can effectively curb the deadly virus.

Westerners should embrace use of masks: Global Times editorial

Masks can help prevent people from being infected. The suggestion is scientific and Asian countries have a lot of experience in this regard. However, excessive cultural confidence has hindered the US and European countries from giving due attention to the experience of their Asian counterparts.  

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'We lied, we cheated, we stole', ‘the Glory of American experiment’ by US Secretary of State/Ex-CIA director Mike Pompeo

Pompeo's three sins in global virus fight

Pompeo and other US elites must be responsible for damaging superpower cooperation if the pandemic worsens, while China cannot join hands with the US due to the war of words. Politicians like Pompeo focus too much on their personal political interests. They will eventually be remembered as negative role models in the history of mankind's battle against

Imported symptom-free cases pose transmission risk as more than 1,300 asymptomatic Covid-19 cases reported in China

> ..

Viral diplomatic wars: Trump’s labelling of Covid-19 as a ‘Chinese virus’ earlier this month has infuriated Beijing and ethnic Chinese w.

Imported symptom-free cases pose transmission risk as more than 1,300 asymptomatic Covid-19 cases reported in China

This photo taken on March 31, 2020 shows a member (left) of a medical assistance team from Huaian being welcomed by her daughter after returning home from Wuhan to help with the Covid-19 recovery effort in Huaian in China's eastern Jiangsu province. The National Health Commission (NHC) reports that 1,367 asymptomatic patients are under medical observation.- AFP  

Why China's data on asymptomatic cases matters

Imported symptom-free cases pose transmission risk 

The Chinese mainland reported 130 new cases of people who were found with no symptoms but tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday, with two of them starting to show symptoms later on, the Chinese National Health Commission (NHC) said on Wednesday, the first day the country started to update information on the number of asymptomatic carriers on a daily basis.

BEIJING (AFP): China on Wednesday (April 1) said it has more than 1,300 asymptomatic coronavirus cases, the first time it has released such data following public concern over people who have tested positive but are not showing symptoms.

Health officials also reported the first imported case from abroad in Wuhan -- the epicentre where the virus first emerged late last year -- heightening fears of infections being brought into China from other countries.

Of 36 new cases reported Wednesday, 35 were imported from abroad.

The National Health Commission (NHC) said 1,367 asymptomatic patients were under medical observation, with 130 new cases newly added in the last day.

The NHC announced Tuesday that it would respond "to public concerns" by starting to publish daily data on asymptomatic cases, which it said were infectious.

There were mass online calls for the government to reveal the number of asymptomatic cases after authorities revealed over the weekend that an infected woman in Henan province had been in close contact with three asymptomatic cases.

However, asymptomatic cases are not being added to the official tally unless they later show clinical symptoms.

Historical data on those infected without showing symptoms has not been published.

Beijing has announced a series of dramatic measures to curb arrivals into the country and control imported cases -- including a ban on foreigners entering China and testing those arriving from overseas -- making it easier to determine those who are infected but don't show symptoms.

China says all detected asymptomatic cases and their close contacts must undergo 14-day centralised quarantine.

Experts agree that asymptomatic patients are likely to be infectious, but it remains unknown how responsible they are for spreading the deadly virus.

Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan said in a state media interview last week that asymptomatic carriers could potentially infect "3 to 3.5 people each".

There have now been 81,554 infections in China, with 3,312 deaths -- mostly concentrated in the epicentre of Wuhan and surrounding Hubei province.

The first imported case confirmed in Wuhan, a Chinese national studying in Britain, arrived in the city last week as it starts to gradually lift travel restrictions imposed to control the outbreak. - AFP

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic updates: Rise of US white supremacy portends new cold war or worse?

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Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak Across the World


Why white nationalists hear a political ally in Donald Trump

Trump attacks journalists for asking 'snarky' questions on coronavirus testing in US

With the novel coronavirus spreading around the globe, a political virus with deeper influence has also begun to show up. In recent years, white nationalism and white supremacy have been on the rise, a perfect reflection of a political virus that is spreading in the US. If Washington cannot appropriately deal with this virus, it will not be able to make the US great again but rather see an irreversible decline and fall of the US empire.

As of Tuesday, the US has reported at least 163,000 cases of COVID-19 and over 3,000 deaths from the virus. These fast rising numbers have failed to sober some US politicians, especially those who are anti-China, who regard the virus as an opportunity to expand their political interests.

The US is in a political mess with different forces striving to gain an upper hand in a game of political competition. The far-right forces represented by former Trump White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon have been on the frontline and haven't missed an opportunity to attract attention with extreme rhetoric.

Bannon has said that the Chinese government is "an existential threat to the Chinese people and to the world, not just the US." This is a typical statement aimed at gaining political support by pitting China and the world against each other. People like Bannon are actually spokespersons for white nationalism and white supremacy, and they label China an enemy to realize their political goals. These people have fanned the flames of extreme nationalism, which will cause the US to suffer first.

US history shows us that the country needs an enemy to push its development. This is pathetic, yet white nationalists still attempt to unite Americans by making up an enemy. The enemy used to be the Soviet Union, and now it's China, even though today's China is nothing like the Soviet Union.

When the term "American Century" was coined in the 1940s, the US was urged to become the world's Good Samaritan and thus a leader across the globe. Hence, in the eyes of some US politicians obsessed with the extreme mind-set of ideological competition, China has been targeted as a thorn in the side of the US.

Such being the case, Bannon and his followers have spared no efforts to smear China. They will continue spreading their political virus in the hope of reaching their ultimate goal of overthrowing China. These people on the far fringe of US political debate view this as the easiest way to make the US great again.

However, they know it's not possible for them to overturn the Chinese government, but they can't let go their paranoia. Therefore, they won't even hesitate to fulfill their self-gratification even if it drags the US into a hostility confrontation or even a war against China. In the era of globalization, the US will definitely harm itself and its people if it launches a cold war with China.

Nonetheless, if this racism-related political virus continues spreading and more people are deceived by extreme speech, the US will see its existing lesions develop into a malignant tumor. If that occurs, it won't only be the vast innocent Americans who will suffer, but also the politicians who care only about their political interests.

Read more :

Coronavirus pandemic accelerated as West’s sense of superiority caused failure to act promptly and lies about China

The West is trying to deflect blame, exacerbated by a mind-set which interprets disease outbreaks not as an inevitable aspect of the human condition, but something belonging to exotic, oriental and poorer nations.

US, UK politicians can't twist virus public opinion 

It is absurd to accuse China of a disinformation campaign or attempt to hold China accountable. And this cannot and will not stop US and British societies from digging out the real reason and criticizing those who made them suffer the pandemic.

Anti-China chorus can't mask country's contributions to virus fight

The US and some other Western countries have been recently launching continuous public opinion attacks on China from changing perspectives. They accused China of concealing data on the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths, politicized disputes over the quality of certain medical supplies shipped from China to the West, threw mud at China's diplomacy and demanded China be held accountable for the coronavirus outbreak, as if they are in tune with a new anti-China chorus.

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'We lied, we cheated, we stole', ‘the Glory of American experiment’ by US Secretary of State/Ex-CIA director Mike Pompeo

Pompeo's three sins in global virus fight

Pompeo and other US elites must be responsible for damaging superpower cooperation if the pandemic worsens, while China cannot join hands with the US due to the war of words. Politicians like Pompeo focus too much on their personal political interests. They will eventually be remembered as negative role models in the history of mankind's battle against COVID-19.


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Sunday, March 29, 2020

How China and US can end their rivalry

How China can end US rivalry and realise its vision of a shared future for humanity, as the world struggles with the pandemic

The US-China rivalry only feeds the pandemic, when global cooperation is needed. This is where China’s vision of a shared destiny for humanity can be useful, provided it can be elevated above suspicions of a Beijing power grab

I cannot imagine richer nutrients for the novel coronavirus to reproduce and spread, to flourish globally, than the United States and China continuing to descend into unabashed and undisguised rivalry, with escalating accusations each against the other. Nourish the virus with US-China competition. Or starve the virus with US-China cooperation.

Never has such cooperation been needed more urgently – to battle and contain the pandemic and to sustain and bolster the world economy. Containing the global pandemic, like bolstering the global economy, depends on US-China collaboration.

. If climate change is the world’s most intractable chronic problem, then Covid-19 is the world’s most severe acute problem. My two favourite countries have a choice: either work together to fight the pandemic, developing drugs and vaccines to kill and stop Covid-19, or suffer an out-of-control global pandemic and a chain-reaction cratering of the global economy. Truly, nations will fight the virus and collectively win, or fight each other and collectively lose.

Although China has well-earned respect for curbing its outbreak, there is room for critique, correction and improvement. President Xi Jinping stresses drawing lessons from the outbreak to improve the country's systems for major epidemic control, prevention and public health emergency management.

Apropos of the pandemic, Xi’s repeated call to build “a community with a shared future for all humanity” is a grand vision with multiple applications. For seven years, it has driven foreign policy, especially the Belt and Road Initiative , helping to rectify global imbalances.

While fighting disease or controlling pandemics have always been a “shared future” benefit, it was always tucked within lists of other benefits, such as climate control, preventing terrorism, interdicting drugs and the like. Few ever imagined that a pandemic could become so grave so fast. But as the pandemic has burst into planetary consciousness, it demonstrates viscerally the global criticality of “shared future” thinking.

The challenge for China is to elevate Xi’s vision above what appears to some as competitive positioning or even as a sprint to assert China’s leadership. China’s experience in containing the contagion, which many countries now desperately need, provides just such an opportunity.

By sending “battle-tested” medical teams to countries under siege, China brings to bear experts with contemporary frontline epidemic experience. What is not well appreciated in the tops-of-trees daily recitations of cases and deaths are China’s evolved know-how and the meticulous work of Chinese health care and logistics professionals.

Exporting coronavirus knowledge, China sends medical teams to countries to help fight pandemic

There is a problem, though. Emotions worldwide are frayed, rubbed raw by the pandemic’s daily-life disruptions, with economic devastation threatening to exceed that of the 2008 global financial crisis. In this toxic psychological environment, when non-stop news, especially in social media, amplifies fantastical, scurrilous, unsubstantiated rumours by insensitive officials or block-brained conspiracy theorists, attitudes harden and antagonisms ossify. Indigenous nationalism flares in vicious circles.

It takes no cleverness to inflame feelings with glib rhetoric or political insults. Rational people must work together, not allow fringe invective to erode the capacity to fight a common enemy.

Containment of the polemic will be more challenging than containment of the coronavirus; the latter likely to burn out before the former. If so, Chinese views of America, and American views of China, are only going to deteriorate further, to the detriment of all. Enlightened leadership should temper, not inflame, indigenous nationalism. We cannot allow mutual exhaustion to be our last hope.

Trump stops calling coronavirus ‘Chinese virus’ and says Asian-Americans not to blame for outbreak

China’s vision of “a community with a shared future for mankind”, exhorting all nations to act for the common good, fits our turbulent times. For this reason, China should resist finding this phrase turned into a cliché or satire, catalysed inadvertently by endless repetition or forced conformity into a single expression or translation.

Why not encourage various expressions, enabling officials and experts to use their own words, thereby enriching the vision, keeping it fresh and timely?

Originally, the English translation was “a community of common destiny for mankind”, which is more literal and rather elegant. But then, I was told, “destiny” was deemed to be too passive or fatalistic, not sufficiently proactive and positive, which led to the less literal “shared future”. “Shared future” is an evocative phase, reflecting Chinese tradition and offering hope for a better tomorrow.

Yet with constant repetition, “a community with a shared future for mankind” can begin to sound, paradoxically, like an exclusive Chinese mantra, and thereby can begin to elicit, in some countries or cultures, negative emotions, instead of conveying positive contributions.

Labels carry messages – and some interpret China’s phrase as seeking to get the whole world to march under its national banner. This misreads China, but by triggering resistance, the static phrase undermines China’s capacity to help bring about in reality such a community of common destiny or shared future.

China’s vision is a universal message shared by many cultures and China might reach out for similar ideas. China’s challenge is to express the vision in language with which other cultures can identify and feel comfortable supporting.

To be clear, read literally and without bias, a “community with a shared future for mankind” is a powerful exhortation that should benefit the world. That is why the phrase should be protected and enriched by also allowing other, diverse English phrases to represent the original Chinese.

A third of coronavirus cases may be 'silent carriers', classified Chinese data suggests

The objective is to enable the global community to take collective ownership of the grand vision. Given the global pandemic, the global community must take collective ownership.

Here are three other possible expressions, the first more literal, the second and third taking more explanatory licence: humanity is a community of common destiny (a shared future); humanity’s common destiny (shared future) is the guiding principle of our times; and, recognise humanity’s common destiny (shared future) to build a global community.

What China seeks is what humanity needs, especially with the pandemic, and it behooves people of goodwill everywhere to work together to transform rhetoric into reality. - South China Morning Post.

By Robert Lawrence Kuhn, a public intellectual and international corporate strategist, won the China Reform Friendship Medal (2018)

Robert Lawrence Kuhn is a public intellectual, international corporate strategist and investment banker, and a China political/economics commentator featured on the BBC, CNN, Bloomberg. For more than 25 years, he has worked with China’s leaders. He has published over 30 books, including How China’s Leaders Think (featuring President Xi Jinping), and The Man Who Changed China: The Life and Legacy of Jiang Zemin. He is the host of Closer to China with R.L.Kuhn on CCTV News.

Coronavirus outbreak Coronavirus outbreak: All stories | US-China relations | US-China trade war | US-China trade war: Opinion | US-China trade war: All stories | Belt and Road Initiative | Belt and Road: Comment | China leadership

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New York State has nearly 60,000 confirmed cases

Chinese experts, netizens offer advice to help US combat coronavirus

The US, the new epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic with the highest infections of over 100,000 now, should announce stringent lockdowns in the worst-hit regions and accelerate testing and hospitalization to curb the spread of the virus, which might help save time wasted from previous buck-passing, Chinese experts said.

Wuhan's manufacturing back on track as industrial powerhouse lifts lockdown

Wuhan – the industrial city in Central China's Hubei Province where the coronavirus first emerged in the country – is restarting commercial and production activities following a two-month lockdown. The sprawling city is likely to revive its pillar manufacturing industry soon although it faces labor shortages.

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