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Sunday, April 12, 2020

WHO: quarantine politicizing COVID-19, while US hegemony in peril amid COVID-19 pandemic

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The director-general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, delivered a powerful warning to world leaders to not politicize the response to COVID-19, saying doing so will lead to more deaths.

"If we want to win, please quarantine politicizing COVID-19," Tedros said.

Tedros made the stern comments at a WHO press briefing Wednesday in response to a question about recent criticisms made by U.S. President Donald Trump, defending the organization about what they've done since the first known case was brought to their attention 100 days ago.

"So my advice, three things," the director-general said, "please, unity at the national level, no using COVID for political points. Second, honest solidarity at the global level. And honest leadership from the U.S. and China."

Tedros also got personal, saying he received many criticisms and even death threats over the last three months, but cares more about humanity being insulted with politicizing a virus that has killed more than 60,000 people so far.

“If you don’t want any more body bags, then you must refrain from politicizing it.”

The WHO has been criticized for its decision not to call COVID-19 a pandemic until March 11, long after many experts suggested it should do so.

US hegemony in peril amid COVID-19 pandemic

The raging COVID-19 pandemic not only challenges and tests the ability of countries to contain the virus but also has far-reaching implications for the international system, which has become a catalyst in accelerating the evolution of the current international order.

On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump lashed out at the World Health Organization (WHO), accusing the world health body, which is largely funded by the US, as "China centric" and threatened to halt its funding. Echoing Trump, his right-hand man US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday the US administration is reevaluating WHO funding, adding "we take taxpayer money and give it to them for the benefit of America, we need to make sure it's delivering on those taxpayer dollars." Such remarks are worthy of attention as they have eroded the moral ground of the US hegemony and forced people to contemplate on how to effectively provide the world the much-needed public goods during these changing times.

In the fight against the novel coronavirus, WHO, an international intergovernmental organization within the framework of the United Nations, has played its proper role in releasing information, sharing data and material and raising cautions. To be fair, WHO has done everything in its power to address the COVID-19 pandemic challenges within its existing framework and responsibilities.

From a theoretical perspective of international relations, the US, as a hegemonic power and global leader, should assume responsibility for providing the global public goods. The worldwide spread of the novel coronavirus suggests that the problem is not about outdated global governance or a global governance surplus, but there is insufficient traction of global governance. The key reason is the US, at the center of global leadership, does not have enough capacity or willingness to provide the global public goods. The two pillars of US hegemony - military strength and financial system - can only play a very limited role in this fight against the virus. Given the US' prevailing attitude toward the WHO, it is necessary to reconsider the US and European countries' real purpose of establishing international organizations, and whether this purpose meets people's needs and the challenges that the world will face in the future.

Be it the US or Europe, both initially showed their contempt and disregard when facing the global spread of COVID-19, followed by a shortsighted approach. The US and Europe could have had enough time to react and they possess sufficient resources and technology. However, the pandemic befell because of their visible loopholes in cognition and emergency action capabilities.

From this point of view, the COVID-19 outbreak, and the statements and actions made by the US and the efforts of developed European countries to shirk responsibility reflect that they have given up the leadership roles and obligations of global governance that they once took for granted. The immediate consequence is that the moral ground - the most important asset of US hegemony - has been severely slashed.

This moral basis was established through the long-term dissemination of liberalism and neoliberalism during and after the Cold War. Its core idea is to emphasize the "morality" behind the US hegemony and the justice of the public goods that the US provides for the whole world. By providing such public goods, the US has gained leadership and influence of the international community. However, the US has not shown enough convincing leadership in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, new leadership in global governance has begun to shift to countries with the will and ability.

For the emerging countries, represented by China, they have a clear understanding or even consensus on the direction of the new approach to global governance. In other words, governance must strive to achieve the basic vision of a community with a shared future for mankind. Only in the common interest of mankind, such as human life and health, can governance reach a higher level of international coordination and respond more effectively to the impacts, challenges, and tests of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the ups and downs, the general trend of globalization is irreversible. Since the US is somehow willing to give up its constructive role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the history will inevitably move forward to completely turn the page of US hegemony.

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US politically motivated to criticize WHO ignoring Taiwan: Chinese FM

The US State Department's claim that the US is "deeply disturbed Taiwan's information was withheld from the global health community" is not fact and is politically motivated to shift focus and blame, which does nothing to ease the COVID-19 outbreak in the US and only undermines its credibility, Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

US virus prevention efforts have become a farce that is no longer amusing

If US politicians and the larger American society don't reflect on their own shortcomings and continue to shift the blame on others, and among each other, then the entire American population will be in the dark.

Washington makes WHO a new scapegoat: Global Times editorial

Washington should stop its hypocritical political games. They are of no help for the US to combat the coronavirus. Only by effectively reducing the losses of the American people can US politicians finally recover their political losses.

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China to face stiffer challenges after Covid-19 pandemic, from recent news flow and anti-China remarks made by the US and its allies.

Beijing is helping the US and other unfriendly countries to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, but is this kind gesture worth it?

Free to travel: The Wuhan lockdown was lifted on april 8 after 76 days of tough isolation measures. — Bloomberg
IN three to nine months when the global Covid-19 pandemic subsides or ends, Beijing, which has put its domestic coronavirus contagion under control, may not be able to smile and celebrate with the rest of the world.

The path ahead is filled with challenges for China, the magnitude of which could be frightening.

This economic giant of the East, now leading the global fight against Covid-19, is likely to continue to face a barrage of accusations – or even lies – that could prompt opportunistic and hostile countries to demand compensations to the tune of billions or even trillions from Beijing based on the current narratives.

In short, China – the first country to be hit by the coronavirus, will have to brace itself for another intense battle after defeating the invisible coronavirus with a huge cost and sacrifice. If the republic is not prepared for these future challenges, its strong manufacturing sector may suffer, its important position in the global supply chain and its economy will be derailed.

This is the post Covid-19 scenario painted by Chinese netizens on social media, as they warn their leaders to stop giving free aid or sell medical supplies cheap to “ungrateful and evil” countries.

The worries of the Chinese nationals are not unfounded. They stem from recent news flow and anti-China remarks made by the US and its allies.

In Washington, China faces criticism over the way it had handled the pandemic, lack of transparency and alleged delay in sharing crucial information with the world on the virus. US President Donald Trump, who labelled the coronavirus the “Chinese virus” last month, has often said Beijing should have acted faster to warn the world of the risk. He has even expressed doubt over Chinese data on infections and deaths. All these verbal assaults are hurled at China even as the US and its allies are receiving Chinese aid or made-in-China surgical masks, ventilators, Covid-19 test kits and protective gear. As its production of masks is fast and efficient, accounting for about 50% of the world’s output, countries short of supply now have to turn to China for this essential commodity.

Out and about: People wearing face masks walking near a shopping complex after the lockdown in Wuhan was lifted. — Reuters
Out and about: People wearing face masks walking near a shopping complex after the lockdown in Wuhan was lifted. — Reuter
Although China has been sharing its experience and expertise in locking down Wuhan from Jan 23 to April 7 to curb the spread of the virus, it still has to endure incessant finger-pointing just because the first Covid-19 outbreak occured there.

While Trump has stopped calling it the “Chinese virus”, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other senior officials have stepped up their campaign against China, insisting on labelling Covid-19 as “Chinese virus” and “Wuhan virus”.

By using the label, they are insinuating that the virus had originated from Wuhan. And by extention, China should compensate the virus-hit countries whose economies have been derailed and social life disrupted.

One class action lawsuit against China has been filed in the Federal Court in the US seeking damages suffered from the Covid-19 pandemic. The stigmatisation of China by US continues unabated despite the release of more and more studies – including those from the US – indicating that the virus could have originated from the US.

China has become the scapegoat for the US and other countries for their failings. They have not taken speedy action to control the spread of the disease despite watching China suffer in January through to March.

What angers the Chinese most is that in some countries, China’s kindness and generosity in extending help is cast with suspicion. It is not reciprocated with gratitude.

Recently, the European Union’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called on the bloc to be ready for a “struggle for influence” with Beijing. Some EU ministers even insinuated that Chinese aid is aimed at undermining European unity, after Italy and Serbia thanked Beijing profusedly for its help.

In response to remarks by a French minister claiming Beijing is waging a global propaganda campaign, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying retorted: “Do they wish to see China standing by idly while witnessing other countries suffer from the severe pandemic and losing lives? Do they think they can do better than China in handling the disease?”

Hua took the opportunity to reiterate China’s belief that only international solidarity, cooperation and mutual respect can overcome the difficulties. Stating Beijing’s objective is to save lives and help the world end the pandemic, she added: “China will not forget the international community had given it valuable support and help at the most difficult time in the country’s fight against Covid-19. Beijing is willing to reciprocate the kindness of others.”

China has said it has extended help to more than 127 countries in their fight against coronavirus.

It has given free medical aid to the world’s least-developed nations, such as Laos, Myanmar, Bangladesh and some African countries. Together with its private sector led by Alibaba Foundation and Huawei, it has also donated free medical supplies to almost all Southeast Asian nations and Pakistan. In response to calls for help from the US and traditional American allies like Spain, France and Japan, China has acted without hesitation. However, after getting medical supplies from China, some countries showed their ugly side.

Spain’s action was shocking and crude. After receiving the first batch of supplies in late March, the Spanish government returned 9,000 “quick result” test kits to China because they were “sub-standard”.

The sensibility of the test was only 30%, against the 80% expected. China responded by conducting its own probe. It was discovered that the test kits Spain bought were from an unlicensed Chinese firm, and the test kits the Spanish government ordered from the Chinese government had not arrived. Currently, Spain is among the worst-hit countries in the pandemic that has engulfed the whole globe.

In Asia, Beijing came to the rescue of Japan – one of the earliest countries to donate medical supplies to China in late January. When the Princess Diamond cruise ship docked in Japan, China donated test kits to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Japan. In the West, China sent France, Germany, Britain and US the much-needed medical supplies.

Chinese presence is also felt in Iran, the Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Liberia, Serbia and India.

But not all news is depressing for the Chinese.

Beijing has been showered with praise and gratitude by countries desperate for help. Many Italians sang Chinese national anthem and hoisted Chinese national flag from their flats after Beijing sent more than 300 experienced doctors to Rome to share their expertise and experience.

In early March, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic – who failed to get help from EU countries – said during a televised address: “European solidarity does not exist. I believe in my brother and friend Xi Jinping.”

Although China had admitted it was not perfect in its initial handling of Covid-19, the World Health Organisation (WHO) still praises Beijing’s response and for its appropriate strategies in battling the virus, which has claimed over 3,300 deaths in the country.

The crisis in China is largely over, while the rest of the world is still busy fighting the Covid-19 war. In recent days, the daily domestic infections in China have fallen to zero or near zero, although it is still dealing with imported cases.

On Wednesday, the 76-day lockdown on Wuhan was lifted with cheer and celebrations.

While China has often emphasized international solidarity and cooperation to end the pandemic, its leaders have indicated the country will face more challenges post Covid-19.

The concerns of its people on social media could be felt in the editorial of Global Times on April 6: “As a major country that was among the firsts to bring the novel coronavirus under control, China must prepare to face an extremely complicated situation.”

China believes the pandemic is unlikely to end quickly and knows this will impact the world order and trigger turmoil, according to the official media of China.

It said: “Nationalists and populists may have more room to fan the flames and China is likely to become the target of certain Western leaders to displace their peoples’ anger and disappointment. China may face much more serious risks in international politics.”

During a key leadership meeting on Wednesday, Xi warned that new challenges have emerged for China’s work resumption and economic/social development. In a statement released after the meeting, Xi called for “preparedness in mind and work” to cope with external environment changes and demanded other Chinese leaders to redouble efforts in economic and social development.

Lest others forget this: China Today is not the Old China during the Ching Dynasty.


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Credible media vital in fight against coronavirus and epidemic of fake news

Taking risks: Journalists have been working overtime to keep the communities they serve updated and help them make sense of the fast-evolving and far-reaching crisis, like this newsman in London. – AFP

The stakes are high as Covid-19 is dealing a severe blow to newsrooms' ability to operate as revenues dry up

As the coronavirus continues its relentless spread across the world,, infecting over a million people and killing tens of thousands, news stories of lockdowns,, social distancing and overwhelmed hospitals have been making the headlines just about everywhere.

Newsrooms have been working overtime to keep the communities they serve updated. Audiences have surged. Apart from news reports, people are turning to analyses and commentaries, videos and explainers, to help them make sense of the fast-evolving and far-reaching crisis.

Amid the welter of information swirling about on social media, professional newsrooms that have long invested in building expertise have been meeting the public's hunger for objective reporting, based on journalists speaking to informed sources, providing context and perspective, drawing on historical knowledge and institutional memory.

These have also helped inoculate communities against that  other virus that is on the rampage - fake news, which is sowing anxiety and confusion, as well as undermining the public's trust in the reliability of information they receive at this critical time.

In the process, some reporters have succumbed to the coronavirus while on the job, having to be isolated and quarantined. Some newsrooms have had to evacuate hurriedly, with staff rushing home, laptops in hand, to try to keep their platforms updated and the presses rolling.


But here's the heart-breaking news: Among the victims in the intensive care unit, gasping for breath, are some of the media organisations themselves, alongside many others from sectors that have also been hard hit, from aviation to retail.

Several, especially local and vernacular titles, might not be able to meet their financial commitments, or even pay staff salaries, in the months ahead.

Advertising is drying up, plunging by between 30 per cent and 80 per cent, according to a recent survey by the World Association of News Publishers. Revenues from media-related events, a new and growing source of funds, have also plunged as social distancing measures are put in place.

Many newsrooms, including The Straits Times, have also made content on the pandemic freely available, as a public service, thereby constraining their ability to grow revenues from subscriptions.

The upshot of this is both ironic and tragic: At a time when audiences are turning increasingly to established media titles, as recent surveys have shown, newsrooms are seeing their resources gutted, and some are even being shut.

In the United States, Gannett, the largest American newspaper chain, announced last week plans to cut salaries and lay off some staff temporarily, while Rupert Murdoch's News Corp has said it will stop print editions of 60 newspapers in Australia, with similar measures being taken in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

This has heightened concerns about the emergence of "news deserts" - communities with no access to local government and community news as media groups cease to exist there.

There is also much angst over "ghost newsrooms", titles that are snapped up by investors as they are still profitable, who then slash their reporting capabilities to boost margins, resulting in a lack of resources to produce local, original or independent content.

The implications of these developments for society are grave. At a time when communities are most in need of critical information, many newsrooms are increasingly hampered and finding it harder to deliver on their mission.

This has led the World Health Organisation to warn of a coming "infodemic", with misinformation spreading and undermining public trust at a crucial time.

To be sure, the financial struggles faced by newsrooms are hardly news. Oxford historian Timothy Garton Ash pointed to this in a keynote address at the St Gallen Symposium in Switzerland in May 2017.

He said: "Very simply, the Internet is destroying the business model of newspapers. For at least two centuries, we have had a public good - news, the information we need for democracy - delivered by private means... People would pay for a newspaper and (there was also) advertising revenue. The Internet has just knocked away both these pillars. So the newspapers produce the information. Facebook and Google get the profit.

"And this has a very negative effect on the newspapers on which we have relied for our news... The amount of serious news, investigative journalism and foreign reporting is going down because that's expensive.

"This is a real problem for the journalism we need for democracy."

Covid-19, however, has mercilessly compounded this challenge and hastened both the shift to digital and the plunge in advertising.


So, is there an antidote to the virus-induced media malaise? Among the proposals that media leaders have been making urgently to their stakeholders are these:

• Declaring the media an essential service: To enable journalists to go about their jobs during lockdowns, keeping newsrooms functioning and news agents running;

• Granting financial assistance: These include tax breaks or holidays, short-term loans and wage subsidies to help newsrooms pay their staff and bills in the face of falling revenues. Denmark has set up a €25 million (S$39 million) fund which will grant news outlets that have recently seen revenues fall by between 30 per cent and 50 per cent relief of up to 60 per cent of their losses, while in Lithuania, state subsidies are also given for critical infrastructure such as broadcasting and printing facilities;

• Giving tax incentives for advertisers and subscribers: In Italy, advertisers are given tax deductions of 30 per cent of their spending in newspapers and online, while Canada allows subscribers to news titles to claim tax relief;

• Stepping up government advertising: Public education campaigns tied to the pandemic can help make up for the fall in private advertising;

• Making Big Tech pay: Technology platforms should be pressed, as France has done, to make more meaningful contributions to the news outlets they rely on for content.

But while these steps might see media groups through the crisis, they are not without risks. Not least of which is the damage that could be done to the credibility of the media if it becomes overly dependent on state funding. This is especially a concern in societies with painful experiences of governments seeking to muzzle the media, through cuts in funding and advertising, shutdowns of newsrooms and even arrests of journalists.

To safeguard against this, beyond the crisis, new business models will also have to be fashioned to ensure the media remains viable and sustainable for the long haul.

Various experiments are now under way. While some big players like The New York Times and Financial Times are growing subscription revenues from readers, others such as The Washington Post, South China Morning Post and Los Angeles Times have been bought by wealthy business leaders, who have given these newsrooms a boost by investing in journalism and technology.

Elsewhere, media groups have been given mandates by the state, with funding for public service broadcasts and journalism, as in France, Britain and the Scandinavian countries.


Some newsrooms have opted to be public trusts or not-for-profit companies, with a mission to provide public service journalism, such as The Guardian in the UK, and The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Salt Lake Tribune in the US, and also Japan's Nikkei group.

Which of these models works best remains unclear; nor perhaps is there likely to be one model that works for all, given the very different political histories and cultures that newsrooms operate in around the world.

This much is certain: The coronavirus pandemic might have begun as a public health crisis, but some wrenching economic, social and political changes could follow in the months to come.

People and communities will need to make sense of developments unfolding around them as well as to figure out the way forward. To do so, citizens and voters will need news organisations they consider credible, which they can rely on, and trust.

The writer is president of the World Editors Forum (WEF), a network of editors that is part of the World Association of News Publishers. This opinion piece was endorsed by members of the board of the WEF, in solidarity with newsrooms around the world.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Specific non-essential industries allowed to operate during extended MCO

Touch the graph to Enlarge
The Federal Government will allow some industries to operate during the extended movement control order (MCO), but the health and safety of the workers remain a top priority, says Senior Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali (pic). He said these industries, which include non-essential and professional services, must apply online from 9am on Monday (April 13) on the International Trade and Industry Ministry’s (Miti) website for permission to operate during the MCO period.

The MCO was extended yesterday for the second time to April 28, as announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, in a bid to curb the spread of Covid-19, which has severely impacted economic activities.

The list from Miti includes industries such as automotive, machinery and equipment, aerospace, construction projects, social health services including traditional and complementary medicine practitioners, hardware and electrical shops, opticians as well as full-service laundrettes and hair salons/barber shops (haircuts only).

Azmin, who is also International Trade and Industry Minister, warned that permission given to these industries will be revoked immediately if the business did not comply with the stated standard operating procedures.

“The decision was made after we realised the need to open up more economic sectors as the Covid-19 pandemic is not only affecting the health of the people but is also affecting the economy, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

“We found that the level of compliance from the government’s decision to allow several critical manufacturing and services sectors to operate during the first phase of the MCO had been good.

“Nevertheless, the government continues to monitor the compliance of the conditions as stipulated by the Health Ministry and also to ensure that health screening and preventive measures are implemented for the safety of employees and customers.

“This step is necessary to ensure the sustainability of the country’s economy post-Covid-19, to prevent the loss of jobs among Malaysians and to ensure that the rakyat continue to have access to basic needs and critical products throughout the MCO period, ” he said.Azmin is also co-chair of a Special Cabinet Committee to Mitigate the Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy and Labour Market, which later made proposals to the Cabinet.

He said among the considerations the Cabinet took into account before deciding on which industries could operate were the stability of export activities, survival of SMEs, and the size of the workforce.

Muhyiddin stressed that the decision was not a case of easing the MCO, but one where the approved businesses must follow strict procedures.

“I must emphasise that while we allow some sectors to re-open, this does not mean that we are relaxing the MCO. The order is still being enforced and orders issued by authorities must be followed, ” he said.On another matter, he said there was a possibility that schools would remain closed for a while until the authorities were convinced that the Covid-19 situation was completely under control.
Click to Enlarge

The Education Ministry has been asked to implement home-based learning initiatives to be implemented during the MCO period and possibly until school re-opens, the Prime Minister added.

“I have read comments from parents on Facebook and many want the school closure to be extended. Parents are worried about their children’s safety.

“I, too, have school-going grandchildren and like you, I worry for them. Who doesn’t love their children, more so grandchildren?” he said.

Muhyiddin has also directed the authorities to enhance surveillance and checks along the country’s borders to prevent illegal entries.

“Along our borders there are many illegal routes that can be used to enter the country.

“If we don’t beef up the control and surveillance along our borders, illegal immigrants can bring Covid-19 into the country.

“That is why I have ordered the authorities to ensure there are stricter border controls, ” he added.

Muhyiddin also expressed his gratitude to all frontliners, including medical workers, police, army, enforcement personnel and delivery personnel, on duty during the MCO period, describing them as “great people”.

Govt allows more businesses, like hair salon, optometry, to open during MCO

The government will allow an additional list of businesses to operate during the movement control order (MCO), but the health and safety of workers remains a top priority, says Senior Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali.

The list includes traditional and complementary medicine, hardware and electrical shops, optometry, manned laundrettes and hair salons (restricted to haircuts) will be allowed to operate.

Azmin, who is the International Trade and Industry Minister, said these businesses were in addition to industries such as automotive, machineries and equipment, aerospace and construction projects.

He added that the industries, which include non-essential services and products, must apply online from 9am on Monday (April 13) to the International Trade and Industry Ministry's (Miti) website for permission to operate during the MCO.

The MCO was extended on Friday (April 10) for the third time to April 28, as announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Azmin warned that permission would be revoked immediately if the businesses did not comply with the stated standard operating procedures.

"The decision was made after realising the need to open up more economic sectors as the Covid-19 pandemic is not only affecting the health of the people but also affecting the economy, especially the small and medium enterprises (SMEs)," he said in a statement.

He said the level of compliance by several critical manufacturing and services sectors to operate during the first phase of the MCO had been good.

"Nevertheless, the government continues to monitor the compliance as stipulated by the Health Ministry and also to ensure that health screening and preventive measures are implemented for the safety of employees and customers.

"This step is necessary in order to ensure the sustainability of the country’s economy post Covid-19, to prevent the loss of jobs among Malaysians and to ensure that the rakyat continue to have access to the basic needs and critical products throughout the MCO period," he said.

Azmin is also co-chair of a special cabinet committee to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on the economy and labour Market, which later made proposals to the Cabinet.

He said in considering which industries could operate, the government looked at the stability of the export activities, survival of SMEs and size of workforce.

Here is the full list:

1. Automotive industry (limited to exports of CBU, parts and components, plus after-sale services)

2. Machinery and equipment industry

3. Aerospace industry

4. Construction projects and services related to construction works:

- Projects whereby the main contractors are G1–G2

- Projects that have achieved physical progress of 90% and above

- Tunnelling works

- Maintenance works

- Sloping works

- Emergency works that are consequent to contractual obligations

- Maintenance, cleaning and drying of stagnant water, spraying of pesticides at construction sites which prevent the breeding of Aedes mosquitoes and other pests

- Other works that if left incomplete may result in danger

- Building projects with 70 IBS score and above

- Construction projects with accommodation facilities for workers, such as centralised quarters for workers or workers’ camp

- Professional services related to the construction industry including architects, engineers, town-planners, land surveyors, quantity surveyors, project managers, facility managers as well as other relevant services

5. Science, professional and technical services, including R&D (services incidental to legal practice, services incidental to oil and gas, R&D activities related to Covid-19, and testing labs for the sectors allowed to operate)

6. Social health services including registered traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) practitioners

7. Hardware shops, electrical and electronic (E&E) shops and optometrists in the wholesale and retail industry

8. Laundry services (only those offering full-service and does not include self-service laundrettes)

9. Barber shops and hair salons (offering haircuts only)

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Friday, April 10, 2020

Malaysia's MCO extended until April 28 will continue to May 12, PM announces


Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has announced that the movement control order (MCO) will be extended for another two weeks, from April 15 to April 28 to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Muhyiddin said that schools will remain closed with home-based and online learning in place until the situation is considered safe for children to return to schools.

He added that several economic sectors will be opened in stages and the government will make an announcement in the near future.

Muhyiddin noted that the extension of MCO would run into the month of Ramadan, expected to start on April 23, and said there would be no Ramadan bazaars nor terawih prayers in mosques.

The sighting of the moon to decide when Ramadan begins will be on April 23.

"Based on the advice of the Health Ministry and medical experts, the government had decided to extend the MCO for another two weeks from April 15 to April 28.

"This extension is to give room for healthcare workers to combat Covid-19 and prevent a re-emergence.

"The move is in line with the view of the World Health Organisation (WHO) which suggested that countries do not end the MCO too early.

"In some countries, the spread of Covid-19 increased again when the MCO was lifted," said Muhyiddin in a televised address on Friday (April 10).

He said that the MCO so far had kept the pandemic in check with the country registering positive Covid-19 cases at 7%, less than the world benchmark of 10% by WHO.

Malaysia's death rate from Covid-19 is also at 1.6%, way below the world's death rate of 5.8%, said the Prime Minister.

As of Thursday (April 9), 67 deaths were reported.

The first phase of the MCO, which was introduced to break the chain of Covid-19 infection, was from March 18 to 31, followed by the second phase from April 1 to 14. - The Star

Here is the Prime Minister's full speech in Bahasa Malaysia:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamuálaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dan salam sejahtera.

Saudara-saudari rakyat Malaysia yang saya kasihi. Apa khabar semua? Saya harap saudara-saudari sihat sejahtera bersama keluarga di rumah. Bagi yang sedang bekerja, selamat bekerja dan jaga kesihatan. Sentiasa amalkan penjarakan sosial, jaga kebersihan diri dan apabila balik ke rumah jangan lupa mandi dulu. Kemudian barulah buat apa-apa aktiviti bersama keluarga.

Di awal ucapan saya ini, saya nak menzahirkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan saya kepada anda semua sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Anda adalah manusia yang hebat.

Doktor dan jururawat yang berada di barisan hadapan, anda mengambil risiko setiap kali melangkah masuk ke wad. Tetapi anda terus melangkah dengan gagah untuk menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain. Walaupun letih, anda tidak mengeluh tetapi terus berkhidmat dengan cekal. Terima kasih yang tak terhingga saya ucapkan.

Terima kasih juga saya ucapkan kepada doktor dan jururawat di hospital swasta. Ketika hospital kerajaan sibuk merawat pesakit COVID 19, hospital swasta menerima pesakit-pesakit bukan COVID 19 untuk dirawat.

Terima kasih juga kepada anggota polis dan tentera yang menjaga sekatan jalan raya. Anda berpanas, berhujan, tetapi terus menjalankan tugas. Syabas saya ucapkan.

Juga kepada anggota Imigresen, Angkatan Pertahanan Awam, Bomba, RELA, pihak berkuasa tempatan dan lain-lain agensi yang turut membantu. Saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Terima kasih juga kepada insan-insan yang bermurah hati membungkus makanan untuk dihantar kepada para petugas di barisan hadapan. Mereka buat secara percuma tanpa mengharapkan apa-apa balasan. Anda adalah insan yang hebat.

Begitu juga kepada anda yang bekerja menghantar makanan. Samada grab food, food panda atau lain-lain. Anda mengambil risiko. Orang lain duduk di rumah, anda keluar rumah untuk pastikan orang lain boleh makan. Anda melakukan satu pekerjaan yang mulia. Pesan saya, jaga kesihatan, jaga keselamatan, jangan bawa motor laju-laju. Anda juga insan yang hebat.

Pendek kata, kita ibarat sebuah keluarga besar. Kita saling bantu membantu ketika zaman susah. Kita jaga keluarga kita. Kita jaga jiran kita. Kita jaga masyarakat kita. Baik kita di kampung, di kawasan perumahan, di kondominium, di rumah flat. Kita jaga kita. Inilah nilai sebenar persaudaraan rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa.

Saudari-saudari yang saya kasihi,

Berdasarkan situasi terkini, pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan telah dapat membantu para petugas kesihatan kita mengawal penularan COVID-19 ke satu tahap yang agak stabil.

Menurut unjuran yang dibuat oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, PKP yang dilaksanakan dalam tempoh hampir sebulan yang lalu telah sedikit sebanyak mengurangkan kebolehjangkitan dan penularan COVID-19.

Dengan usaha-usaha yang telah dibuat, kes-kes positif COVID-19 adalah terkawal pada kadar 7%, iaitu di bawah benchmark 10% yang ditetapkan oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia atau WHO.

Kadar kematian akibat wabak ini juga adalah rendah, iaitu 1.6% berbanding 5.8% kadar kematian di peringkat dunia. Setakat ini seramai 1,830 orang pesakit telah keluar dari hospital. Ini bermakna 43% pesakit COVID-19 telah pulih.

Hari ini sahaja jumlah pesakit yang pulih ialah seramai 220 orang, melebihi jumlah kes positif baharu iaitu sebanyak 118 kes. Jumlah kes positif baharu juga telah menunjukkan penurunan sejak beberapa hari yang lalu. Jika trend penurunan ini berterusan untuk tempoh dua minggu akan datang, insyaAllah kita akan dapat mengawal wabak COVID-19 ini daripada menular. Namun begitu, kita tidak boleh mengambil mudah situasi yang sedang berlaku.

Penularan wabak ini masih di peringkat pertengahan dan memerlukan tindakan pencegahan serta kawalan yang berterusan. Malahan, usaha-usaha mencegah wabak ini mesti diperhebatkan lagi bagi memutuskan rantaian penularan jangkitan.

Ini termasuk memberi tumpuan khusus kepada kumpulan-kumpulan sasar yang dikenalpasti menjadi punca penularan wabak ini. Sehubungan itu, berdasarkan nasihat daripada Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia dan pakar-pakar perubatan, kerajaan memutuskan untuk melanjutkan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan untuk tempoh dua minggu lagi, iaitu dari 15 April hingga 28 April 2020.

Pelanjutan tempoh ini dibuat untuk memberi ruang kepada petugaspetugas kesihatan memerangi penularan COVID-19, selain mengelakkan penularan semula wabak ini dalam masyarakat.

Tindakan ini adalah selaras dengan pandangan WHO yang menyarankan negaranegara supaya tidak menamatkan perintah kawalan pergerakan terlalu awal. Sepertimana yang berlaku di beberapa buah negara, penularan wabak ini meningkat semula apabila perintah kawalan pergerakan ditamatkan.

Apa yang saya hendak sebutkan di sini ialah kita mesti bersedia untuk berhadapan dengan situasi ini bagi satu tempoh masa yang agak lebih lama. Ianya mungkin berlarutan untuk tempoh beberapa bulan, sebelum kita dapat betul-betul pastikan penularan wabak ini diatasi seratus peratus.

Itupun kehidupan kita mungkin tidak boleh kembali seperti sediakala. Selagi virus ini masih ada, amalan penjarakan sosial mesti diteruskan. Kita mesti sentiasa menjaga kebersihan diri. Elakkan sebarang perhimpunan. Hindari tempat yang sesak.

Bulan Ramadan akan menjelang tiba tidak lama lagi. Kita tidak boleh ke bazar Ramadhan untuk membeli juadah berbuka puasa, tidak boleh ke masjid untuk berterawih. Jadi berterawih lah di rumah bersama keluarga. Mungkin juga kita tidak boleh balik ke kampung seperti biasa.

Walaupun sukar untuk kita bayangkan perkara ini, tetapi inilah kenyataan yang akan kita hadapi.

Saya juga baca komen-komen ibu-bapa di facebook. Ramai yang mahu penutupan sekolah dilanjutkan lagi. Ibu-bapa rata-rata bimbang tentang keselamatan anak-anak. Saya pun ada cucu yang bersekolah. Seperti saudara-saudari saya pun bimbang juga. Semua orang sayangkan anak.

Cucu lebih lagilah sayangnya. Jadi, sekolah mungkin tidak akan dibuka lebih awal. Kita mungkin akan tangguhkan dahulu sesi persekolah sehinggakan kita benar-benar yakin keadaan telah kembali pulih.

Sementara itu, anak-anak kita perlu belajar di rumah. Saya telah minta Kementerian Pendidikan supaya melaksanakan inisiatif pembelajaran dari rumah atau home based learning sepanjang tempoh kawalan pergerakan ini, dan mungkin untuk tempoh yang seterusnya sehinggalah sekolah dibuka. Walaupun keadaan di negara kita insyaAllah akan kembali pulih dengan langkahlangkah yang sedang diambil, kita mesti ingat bahawa bukan negara kita sahaja yang terkesan dengan wabak ini. Seluruh dunia terkesan termasuklah negara-negara jiran kita.

Saya nak beritahu, di sepanjang sempadan negara kita ini banyak terdapat loronglorong tikus. Pendatang asing tanpa izin biasanya bolos menerusi lorong-lorong ini.

Jika kita tidak tingkatkan kawalan, mereka mungkin bolos dan membawa virus masuk ke negara kita. Na’uzubillah. Jadi, saya telah arahkan Ketua Polis Negara, Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Ketua Pengarah Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia, Imigresen, RELA dan lain-lain agensi yang berkaitan supaya perketatkan kawalan di sepanjang sempadan negara.

Ringkasnya, kehidupan kita untuk bulan-bulan atau tahun yang mendatang ini tidak akan kembali seperti biasa. Kita akan menjalani kehidupan dengan “the new normal” atau kebiasaan baharu. Apa yang biasa kita buat dahulu, tak boleh kita buat lagi. Contoh mudahnya, berjabat tangan. Kalau dulu berjabat tangan bila berjumpa adalah satu perkara yang biasa dibuat. Kalau tak dibuat ianya dianggap janggal, atau tak beradab. Tetapi sekarang ini lain. Kita tak boleh berjabat tangan bila berjumpa untuk mengelakkan jangkitan virus. Mungkin kita tunduk sahaja sebagai tanda hormat. Ini adalah “the new normal”, atau kebiasaan baharu. Begitu juga perkara yang kita tak biasa buat sebelum ini seperti basuh tangan. Sekarang dan untuk masa yang akan datang kita mesti biasakan membasuh tangan dengan lebih kerap. Gunakan sabun, hand sanitizer dan sebagainya. Juga memakai face mask.

Banyak lagi contoh-contoh lain yang tak perlu saya sebut kerana saya fikir saudarasaudari faham maksud kebiasaan baharu yang mesti kita amalkan dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian untuk tempoh yang mendatang.

Saudara-saudari yang saya kasihi sekalian, Saya faham bahawa ekonomi negara kita terjejas kerana sekatan-sekatan yang dibuat terhadap aktiviti perusahaan, perkilangan dan perniagaan sepanjang tempoh PKP berkuatkuasa.

Untuk itu, kerajaan bersetuju supaya beberapa sektor ekonomi yang 6 terpilih akan dibuka semula secara berperingkat dengan garispanduan penjagaan kesihatan dan kawalan pergerakan yang ketat. Sebuah jawatankuasa khas kabinet yang dipengerusikan bersama oleh Menteri Kanan Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri dan Menteri Kanan Pertahankan diwujudkan untuk meneliti senarai sektor-sektor ekonomi yang terpilih untuk dibuka secara berperingkat.

Saya ingin tegaskan bahawa pembukaan beberapa sektor yang terhad ini bukan bermaksud kita melonggarkan perintah kawalan pergerakan. Perintah ini masih berkuatkuasa dan semua arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa mestilah dipatuhi.

Jika terdapat pengusaha, kilang atau syarikat yang melanggar peraturan, kerajaan akan menarik balik kebenaran yang diberikan. Senarai sektor ini akan diumumkan oleh kerajaan dalam masa terdekat. Saudara-saudari yang saya kasihi sekalian, sebagai Perdana Menteri, saya bertanggungjawab menjaga keselamatan nyawa saudara-saudari. Setiap nyawa adalah berharga. Baik bayi, orang muda, orang dewasa atau warga emas, semuanya bernilai.

Kehilangan satu nyawa kerana virus ini bukan bererti kehilangan kepada suami, isteri, anak-anak atau keluarga terdekat sahaja, tetapi juga satu kehilangan besar buat negara. Kerana itu, marilah kita bersama-sama menjaga kesihatan diri kita, keluarga kita dan orang-orang di sekeliling kita dengan mematuhi perintah kawalan pergerakan.

Let me remind you that the war on COVID-19 is not yet over. The fight is still on. We are doing well so far, so just uplift your spirit and continue to fight. If we persevere, insyaAllah we will win.

Saya bertuah kerana anda semua adalah insan yang berdisiplin dan patuh kepada undang-undang. Tahap pematuhan PKP di negara kita adalah tinggi dan ini 7 menunjukkan saudara-saudari semua faham akan kepentingan menjaga kesihatan dan keselamatan diri. Teruskanlah sikap yang terpuji ini. Teruslah berusaha, berdoa dan bertawakkal.

InsyaAllah kita akan berjaya mengharungi ujian ini bersama-sama. Kepada Allah jualah kita berserah.

Wabillahi al-taufiq wal hidayah wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

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