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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Should China compensate the world for Covid-19?

Recently, Germany’s largest newspaper ‘Bild’ published an invoice amounting to €149bil that Beijing ‘owes’ Berlin from the impact of Covid-19. — Reuters

U.S. top health adviser rejects lab-made virus theory

The U.S. administration has been flirting with a theory that the novel coronavirus was created in a Chinese lab, but top White House health adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has rejected that.

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Science man: Dr Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has refuted Trump’s theory that the coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan. — AP

IN recent weeks, some anti-China governments and lawyers have been hyping up unreasonable demands for compensation to the tune of billions – and even trillions – from Beijing for the origin and spread of Covid-19.

China has become an easy target in the current global public health catastrophe just because the first novel coronavirus case was reported in Wuhan in the mainland.

This anti-China campaign to press for hefty compensation is getting more intense as Western politicians lend credence to the movement.

The first case was fired off by a Florida attorney, who filed a federal class-action lawsuit on March 12 against the Chinese government, accusing it of “a slow early response” to the coronavirus crisis in China that caused “injury and incalculable harm” to business and people totalling US$6bil (RM26.2bil).

On April 18, US President Donald Trump added fuel to the fire when he warned that China could face consequences for the Covid-19 pandemic.

“If they were knowingly responsible, yeah, I mean, then sure there should be consequences,” Trump was quoted by Reuters as saying at a daily media briefing.

He did not state the actions the United States might take.

Trump and his senior aides have been accusing China for a lack of transparency in dealing with the coronavirus spread in its Wuhan province, after failing to gain support from scientists in his earlier exertion that the virus had originated from China.

China has repeatedly denied all allegations.

US allies – the UK, France, Australia and India – have joined in the fray to incriminate China.

Most recently, Germany’s largest newspaper, Bild, published a €149bil itemised “invoice” that Beijing “owes” Berlin from the impact of Covid-19.

It is obvious that with the pandemic engulfing over 200 countries, some governments that have failed to contain the virus spread in their backyard are looking for a scapegoat.

Many Western countries have been pointing fingers at China.

Although China has wiped out its epidemic and is helping other countries fight the battle, it continues to face a ruthless barrage of vicious allegations and accusations.

Besides using China as a scapegoat, the US and West are seen as taking the opportunity to smear China and discredit the Communist Party of China (CPC) led by President Xi Jinping.

To them, it is unthinkable that the CPC was able to mobilise 1.4 billion Chinese nationals to stay indoor for two months from January to March until the virus was contained.

Hence, instead of choosing the global cooperation advocated by Beijing, Trump is constantly picking on China with old and new accusations.

As the US is facing a presidential election in November, bashing China is seen as a strategy to gain electoral support as past surveys have shown that many Americans dislike the CPC.

But by focussing on geopolitics, Trump is allowing the deadly virus to creep into all corners of the United States.

The United States is now the worst-hit nation in the current pandemic.

Covid-19 has infected 905,333 people and killed 51,949 across the country as of Saturday, according the Johns Hopkins University.

Globally, infections have shot passed 2.82 million with death toll at over 197,500 as of Saturday, according to the official website of World Health Organisation (WHO).

Science man: Dr Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has refuted Trump’s theory that the coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan. — AP

Origin of Covid-19

Up to now, the origin of the virus is still a mystery – at least in the world of science.

Although Wuhan was the first to report the new virus, recent studies on genomes show that Covid-19 could have originated in the United States or elsewhere.

While Trump has now switched his rhetoric to whether the virus had emanated from a lab in Wuhan.

The WHO officials and Trump’s own White House advisers have refuted this hypothesis.

The WHO has repeatedly said that “from all available evidence, the novel coronavirus was not manipulated or constructed in a laboratory.”

Dr Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease expert in the White House, has rejected Trump’s allegations too.

Before this, a group of researchers have already written in the journal Nature Medicine: “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”

Repeated blame on China

Since the talk on origin and lab conspiracy do not hold water, then what else can Beijing be faulted on?

Chinese leaders have been repeatedly accused of “not being transparent, covering up and suppressing information” in the early stage of the outbreak by Trump and his Western allies.

Although China has admitted there were early missteps and underestimation of public risks during the initial stage, it had quickly acted to inform the WHO and scientists in the United States soon after.

“This miscalculation did not hinder the communication between Chinese and foreign scientists. All data were sent out, including a thesis by Chinese scholars in international academic journals,” said China’s Global Times.

On Jan 20, China made public its findings on human-to-human transmissions.

Global Times argued: “At the global level, the time lost could have been compensated by taking resolute measures. This was especially true for those countries far from China.”

Wuhan locked down its city in the early hours of Jan 23, and from then onwards, China rapidly mobilised. Harsh measures to prevent contagion were criticised but the country struggled on.

And by early March, China had brought the situation in China under control.

In fact, the accusation that Beijing had delayed in informing the world about Covid-19 has been refuted by WHO and Western scientists.

Scientists in China have won international praise for hitting several key milestones in understanding the novel, fast-moving virus, according to research and innovation forum Science/Business on April 7.

Ian Jones, professor of biomedical sciences at Reading University, told its newsletter: “We will never know if faster action in those first days could have averted the outbreak. Despite the initial slow reaction, there has been a very open dialogue since and many research findings from the Chinese experience are now appearing.”

Dr Zhang Jixian, the first doctor to report Covid-19 cases to Wuhan authorities on Dec 27, defended Beijing by stating authorities had responded promptly after getting her report.

In an interview on April 18 with CGTV, the director of the department of respiratory and critical care medicine at the Hubei Provincial Hospital showed records of a medical consultation of seven Covid-19 patients at the early stage.

A vendor at the Huanan Seafood Market, who was sent to the hospital on Dec 27, 2019, showed the severest symptoms among the seven.

“I reported to the district at noon on Dec 27, and they came to conduct an epidemiological survey that afternoon and collected patients’ blood samples and throat swabs,” Zhang said.

As the hospital in which Zhang works could not identify the source of infection, expert help from the district level and provincial CDC was sought.

“They reacted quite quickly,” Zhang recalled.

“I suspected it could be a kind of infectious disease, but did not expect the virus to spread like this – so infectious and serious, and affecting so many areas.”

On Jan 3, China formally reported the situation to the WHO and other countries, including the United States.

Does the case against China hold water?

Hostile groups may file charges against China, but are these grounded on norms and legal principles?

It is an international practice that a sovereign or a government cannot be sued.

It is obvious from the reasons cited against China thus far that most have been based on imaginary assumptions and baseless allegations.

Even if the virus had originated from Wuhan, China should not be made to compensate the world, as virus knows no boundary and country. It can emerge anytime and anywhere.

When the H1N1 pandemic, which started in the United States in 2009 claimed an estimated over 200,000 lives worldwide, there was no claim against Washington.

Did Washington compensate the world for the economic and financial loss to investors and countries resulting from the collapse of the Lehman Brothers of the US in September 2008?

When the Ebola broke out in West Africa, the world behaved in a sympathetic and civil manner.

By the same token, China – the first victim of the pandemic – should not be assaulted.

Perhaps, governments attacking China should reflect on what they had not done after witnessing China suffer in January.

Hannan Hussain, a security analyst at the London School of Economics, comments “there is no case against China as Beijing has concrete information-sharing reference points”, including sharing the genome sequence of Covid-19 in January.

“Washington lacks similar precedents, given its removal of key CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) officials that were tasked with the tracking, investigation and containment of diseases in China,” he wrote in the South China Morning Post recently.

Reuters revealed on March 26 that the Trump administration had cut its staff presence at the CDC in Beijing by two-thirds over the past two years.

While the “lion-mouth” claims against China may eventually turn out to be a waste of time, the West and their proxies will achieve their motive of smearing China.

China-bashing will continue.

This should not come as a surprise, given that the United States and the West have often wanted to contain the rise of China, which has become the world’s second-largest economy and is now the only enviable country focusing on rebuilding its virus-battered economy.

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Coronavirus was 'not manmade or genetically modified', says US spy agency 

China: All coronavirus patients in Wuhan discharged

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Report 'pulang' through Gerak Malaysia app starting April 25 2020

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KUALA LUMPUR: Those who had travelled to their hometowns and are now stranded there since the movement control order was imposed will be allowed to return after getting permission to travel, says Bukit Aman.

Federal CID director Comm Datuk Huzir Mohamed (pic) said the government came to this decision on April 23 and applications could be made via the Gerak Malaysia app.

“The app can be downloaded from Google Play Store, Apple App Store and Huawei App Gallery.

“Those who are eligible can apply from today to make their interstate journeys,” he said in a statement on Saturday.

Comm Huzir said those who submitted their applications on Sunday would be required to update their application on April 29 to confirm their travel destinations.

“They will be able to check the status of their applications on May 1 via the app.

“The period for permitted interstate travel is between May 1 and 3 and all motorists must plan their trips accordingly,” he said, adding that those using the North South Expressway (NSE) must remember some important details.

Comm Huzir said that there would be no restaurants or food stalls open at any of the rest areas along the NSE.

“Surau will be closed and no group prayer activities will be allowed at the rest areas, including inside the building, open areas or carparks there.

“Only the toilet facilities will be open and motorists will be required to rest inside their vehicles at the carparks.

“They will not be allowed to exit their vehicles unless it is to go to the toilet,” he said, adding that petrol stations would be allowed to operate between 6am and midnight along the highway.

He also reminded motorists that no group activities would be permitted during the journey.

“Those who do not have access to the app can make written requests for travel at their nearest police station but priority would be given to users of the Gerak Malaysia app,” said Comm Huzir.

“A press statement will be made on the application procedures later today followed by a press conference on Wednesday to ensure all interstate travel goes smoothly and in an orderly manner.”

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Saturday, April 25, 2020

China unveils its 2020 Mars probe, Tianwen-1 天問一号
 Watch CCTV America LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile

 China's first Mars exploration mission was officially named "Tianwen-1" on Friday, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The mission is to launch a Mars probe in 2020, aiming to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission.

Tianwen-1 is the name of China’s first Mars exploration mission, scheduled to be launched this year. The name Tianwen (天問, Questions to Heaven) comes from a poem written by the Chinese poet Qu Yuan. The mission will be launched by the Long March-5 Y4 rocket. Credit: China Central Television (CCTV)

Tianwen-1 mission to Mars

  Name is derived from a poem by great poet of ancient China

China’s first Mars exploration mission has been named Tianwen-1, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced on the country’s Space Day.

The name comes from the long poem Tianwen, meaning Questions to Heaven, written by Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC), one of the greatest poets of ancient China.

In Tianwen, Qu Yuan raised a series of questions in verse involving the sky, stars, natural phenomena, myths and the real world, showing his doubts about some traditional concepts and the spirit of seeking the truth.

CNSA said all of China’s planetary exploration missions in the future will be named the Tianwen series, signifying the Chinese nation’s perseverance in pursuing truth and science and exploring nature and the universe.

CNSA also unveiled the logo of China’s planetary exploration missions, featuring the letter C, signifying China, international cooperation and capacity of entering space.

China plans to launch the Mars probe in 2020, aiming to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission.

Since 2016, China has set April 24 as the country’s Space Day to mark the launch of its first satellite Dongfanghong-1 into space on April 24, 1970. This year is the 50th anniversary of the start of China’s entry into space.

Zhang Kejian, head of CNSA, said that over the past 50 years, Chinese space engineers and scientists have overcome various difficulties and achieved aerospace development through self-reliance and independent innovation.

He said CNSA is willing to work with the international community to make new and greater contributions to exploring the mysteries of the universe and promoting human welfare on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, peaceful utilization and inclusive development.

Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Wagner, the Russian crew members of the International Space Station, sent a congratulatory video to China from the space station.

Although humankind is now facing a severe crisis related to the epidemiological threat, such important anniversaries should not be overshadowed, said the astronauts. - Xinhua

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Friday, April 24, 2020

China to give WHO US$30 million more after US freezes funds

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (R) speaks at a daily briefing in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 5, 2020. Photo:Xinhua

Global leaders launch WHO plan to beat COVID-19, U.S. not involved

China announced Thursday it will donate another $30 million to the World Health Organization to help in the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic, days after Washington said it would freeze funding.

“China has decided to donate another $30 million in cash to the WHO, in addition to the previous donation of $20 million, to support the global fight against COVID-19 and strengthen developing countries’ health systems,” foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a regular press briefing.

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China has decided to donate additional $30 million in cash to WHO to support its global fight against , in particular strengthening developing countries' health systems. China already donated $20 million in cash to WHO on March 11.

He added that China’s contribution to the UN agency “reflects the support and trust of the Chinese government and people for the WHO”.

China to donate another 30 mln USD supporting WHO's fight against COVID-19 

China decided to donate another 30 million U.S. dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO) in support of global efforts to fight COVID-19 and the construction of public health systems in developing countries, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said here Thursday.

Spokesperson Geng Shuang told a news briefing that the WHO, led by Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, had actively fulfilled its duties with objective, science-based and fair position and played an important role in assisting countries in responding to the outbreak and boosting international cooperation on COVID-19.

Geng said to support the WHO is to defend the principles of multilateralism and safeguard the status and authority of the United Nations at a crucial time of the battle against the pandemic, adding that the virus is the common enemy of humankind, and the international community can only defeat it through unity and cooperation.

In March, China donated 20 million dollars to the WHO to support the global fight against COVID-19.

The spokesperson said China's donations to the WHO reflected the support and trust of the Chinese government and people in the organization, and China also made its own contributions to global public health and the fight against the pandemic.

"China will continue to stand in solidarity and render mutual assistance with other countries to jointly overcome the pandemic, safeguard regional and global public health and build a community with a shared future for mankind," he said.

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Ex-colonialists should prepare for China’s counterpunch 

An ambulance sits outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC, Monday. Photo: AFP
  As of Wednesday, the total confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world have topped 2.5 million, with the US and European countries being the hardest hit, while the US alone has reported over 825,000 infection cases. What are leaders and politicians of these countries doing when their homelands are suffering from the coronavirus? Are they busy flattening the curve? Given the reports of Western media outlets, this seems to not be their focus, as they are sparing more efforts to duck the responsibilities for their inability.

Over the past month, some Western politicians have been shouting more loudly than ever to demand compensation from China, as if they will manage to call white for black with their political hysteria. Since the pandemic became increasingly severer day by day in Europe and particularly in the US, some Western countries that dominate the world's public opinion have been engaging in a ridiculous show of 1,000 ways to slander China.

To steal the spotlight, a batch of Western politicians dare say anything they want and pass any legislation they wish regardless of truth or facts. They have thoroughly interpreted their deep-rooted pirate-style mentality and how it works.

These politicians have accused China of so-called disinformation and delay in information sharing, while they have been neglecting what China has been trying to share with them from the very beginning and warn them out of goodwill.

From the moves of US senators such as Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley to Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, we can see the ghosts of Western imperialists and colonialists who raided around the world, burning and looting with guns and cannons.

What if these Western countries are treated with their very own pirate-style mentality? They shall be held accountable for what humanity is suffering in the past decades, even centuries. A great number of Westerners seem to have forgotten how they managed to quickly complete the original accumulation of capital and embark on the road of leading the world's development. In the Age of Discovery, Western civilization has spread across the world and the traditional powers seized a huge amount of resources in that process. Meanwhile, diseases such as cholera, malaria, yellow fever, and smallpox brought by the West's explorers doomed aborigines in the new continents.

The 1918 influenza pandemic, the most severe pandemic in recent history, infected an estimated total of 500 million people or one-third of the world's population at that time. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide. Some suggest the virus originated from Kansas, where it was identified in military personnel in spring 1918; while some believe New York City was the origin. If we adopt the West's above-mentioned mentality here, how dare the US not compensate the rest of the world for its failure of containing the virus within its borders?

If such mentality is justified, has the US compensated the world or at least apologized after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic that originated from the country and resulted in an estimated range of deaths from between 151,700 and 575,400 people during the very first year the virus circulated?

There is no logic and no rationale that China has to bear infamy and compensate for mistakes it has never made. Is it that in the mind of many Westerners Chinese are born inferior to white people, so they never believe the Chinese can do anything better than them?

Things have changed in the world we are living in. Long gone are the good old times of imperialists and colonialists. If some people still uphold their political hysteria, they had better be prepared for China's counterpunch.

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