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Monday, December 7, 2020

GT investigates: Seeking for virus origin 

 Frequent outbreaks triggered by imported frozen products; reports suggesting traces of coronavirus found elsewhere earlier than Wuhan… so is COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan also result of imported cold-chain products? Check GT special investigative report… 



International cooperation urged

Although those virologists have pictured a clear route map to trace the origin of the virus, the real path to finding the origin is laden with difficulties.

The anonymous expert said that in terms of tracing the virus origin, the momentum for international scientists to cooperate has retrogressed compared with the pre-COVID-19 period.

“Scientists are reluctant to become involved in politics, they are eyeing international cooperation. Yet researchers from all over the world are acting with caution, avoiding troubles, and refusing casual communication. I don’t think it’s an ideal atmosphere for cooperation.”

This has drawn attention from international bodies. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus urged countries on November 30 not to politicize the hunt for the origins of the new coronavirus, saying that would only create barriers to learning the truth.

When talking to Tedros in September, director of China's National Health Commission Ma Xiaowei vowed to enhance cooperation with the WHO on virus prevention, origin tracing and vaccine development. China is pushing forward the work on the virus origin tracing, and is willing to strengthen cooperation and communication with the WHO, Ma said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on November 24 that while tracing the origin domestically, China has been earnestly implementing WHA resolutions.

"We are the first to invite WHO experts in for origin-tracing cooperation." Zhao said, adding that "We hope all relevant countries will adopt a positive attitude and cooperate with WHO like China does, making contributions to global origin-tracing and anti-epidemic cooperation."

“International communication on the virus origin should be frequent and open for all. But some countries weighed in and complicated the issue,” said Yang, who noted that the world has achieved great progress in fighting COVID-19 in the past year, including treatment of the disease and vaccine R&D.

Tracing the virus origin should not be a battle against each other; instead, an information, data sharing mechanism is helpful to bring the virus under control, Yang said.

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United States Coronavirus: 15,822,734 Cases and 296,745 ...


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Conditional movement control order (CMCO) ends on December 6 in several states including Penang, Tranel bans rescinded


The government has just announced in a live conference that CMCO will end in Penang as scheduled, which is 6 December 2020. This is with an exception of two Mukim, which is Mukim 12 in Barat Daya and Mukim 13 in Timur Laut. CMCO will extend in these two Mukim until 20 December 2020.

Following the reduction of COVID-19 infection cases in several states, the government today decided to end the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in most states.

Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the move was done after considering the current and expected impact on the economic recovery if CMCO is extended.

“The country is expected to suffer a GDP loss of RM300 million a day if CMCO is continued and this will result in a decline in the labour market and household spending, investment uncertainty, permanent job loss, business closure and other effects either directly or indirectly.

"Therefore, the government needs to consider all aspects in formulating any approach to create a balance between maintaining public health and impact on the economy," he told a press conference here today.

The CMCO in the following states would be lifted as scheduled tomorrow:

Penang except for Mukim 12 (southwest), Mukim 13 (northeast), while Flat Jalan Paya Terubong, Relau and Flat Desa Bistari, Batu Uban will be placed under enhanced MCO (EMCO) from Dec 7 to 20.

Perak except for Kinta district, Mukim Teja (Kampar district) and Mukim Changkat Jong (Hilir Perak district) where the CMCO will continue starting Dec 7 until 20, while the EMCO in Zone B and Zone C of Taman Meru 2C, Ipoh, Perak will end today. Langkap Immigration Detention Depot and its quarters in Hilir Perak will be placed under EMCO from Dec 6 to 19.

Kelantan except for Kota Bharu, Machang, Tanah Merah and Pasir Mas where the CMCO will be extended from Dec 7 to 20, while Madrasah Ad-Diniah Al Falahiah, Kg Dalam Huma, Bukit Awang, Pasir Puteh will be placed under EMCO for the same period.

Putrajaya Negeri Sembilan except for Seremban and Port Dickson where the CMCO will be extended until Dec 20.

Meanwhile, the CMCO for Kuala Lumpur and Selangor will be extended until Dec 20 following the increase in COVID-19 cases, except for Sabak Bernam, Hulu Selangor and Kuala Selangor which will return to the Recovery MCO (RMCO).

At the same time, he said the CMCO in Kulim, Kedah which is supposed to end tomorrow will be extended until Dec 20 as there are 334 positive cases for its cluster.

In Johor, the CMCO in Mersing will be lifted tomorrow as scheduled, while the CMCO in Kota Tinggi will be extended until Dec 20 and three districts namely Johor Bahru, Batu Pahat and Kulai will be placed under CMCO from Dec 7 to 20. --- BERNAMA

Travel bans rescinded


Ismail Sabri: Police permission no longer needed for journeys

PETALING JAYA: The interstate and inter-district travel bans have been rescinded, regardless of whether an area is still under the conditional movement control order (MCO) or not, says Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said the decision was made due to the need to balance public health and economic stability.

“Life must go on. So several restrictions have been relaxed after the National Security Council meeting where all parties, including the Health Ministry, discussed the issue.

“Among the matters agreed on is that interstate and inter-district travel across the country will now be allowed except for areas under an enhanced MCO.

“Police permission is no longer required,” he said.

He added that from tomorrow, the police would stop having roadblocks at state borders.

The focus will now be on adherence to the standard operating procedure (SOP), Ismail Sabri said.

“What’s important is that the public must follow the SOP. This is one of the ways to reduce Covid-19 infections.

“The police will be everywhere now to ensure compliance,” he said.

On tourism, Ismail Sabri said a meeting would be held with the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry to identify what would be permitted to open and what should remain closed.

He also noted that travel to Sabah would now be allowed for social visits.

However, all entering Sabah must undergo the RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) or RTK Antigen (Rapid Test Kit Antigen) Covid-19 swabs three days before travelling.

“Only those without symptoms and who test negative for Covid-19 will be allowed into Sabah.

“Police permission to leave Sabah and inter-district travel is no longer required,” he added. 

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Cheers all around as Penang opens its arms to visitors

 Come visit us: Penang eager to see an increase in visitors to the island this coming holiday season with the interstate and inter-district travel ban being lifted.


Govt to discuss working from home, tourism on Sunday...

 Govt to discuss working from home, tourism on Sunday (Dec 6), says Ismail Sabri

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Covid-19 CMCO: daycare centres SOP. One-off grant of RM5,000 for childcare centres


Registered childcare centres can stay open during the conditional movement control order (CMCO)



Saturday, December 5, 2020

Sheer joy of parenting

 What the writer and his wife love about being parents is that their children have enhanced their lives in so many ways

To the writer and his wife, parenthood is their greatest achievement although they have experienced difficult trials along the way.

FINANCIAL reasons is the normal excuse given by some who are not willing to have children. This is shocking.

Sure, having kids will affect our budget but that should not be the reason for not having children, or at least one child. To those who do not want to have children, I have reasons to change your mind.

When my wife, who was then earning as much as I did, decided to forego her job as a bank officer and concentrate on being a mother, it was our decision to prioritise our children’s upbringing rather than focus on our financial standing. We knew then that we really had to tighten our belts, but with careful planning, we survived.

Nothing else can produce the joy that parenthood offers. I can’t imagine going through life without feeling that spectrum of emotions. Feeling it all, good and bad, gives our lives as a married couple more purpose and challenges.

There is the pure joy of just watching our children be kids and reliving all those first moments when they discover how to do things on their own. Their smiles, giggles and pride in new accomplishments, even though some may be mischief in nature, were a sheer pleasure to watch.

As the sole income earner in the family, I could have had the worst day at work, but to come home and listen to our children, discuss their day with my wife, or to overhear them giggle while playing or watching television makes the worst day disappear.

I was 33 when I had my first kid. Though my first child wasn’t born normal, having children was such a life-altering experience. My wife and I were always looking for a purpose in our lives and when we had our children, we found it.

We love being parents. Seeing them do well in their studies and behaviour-wise, we know we are doing right thus far. That doesn’t mean we don’t have our share of mistakes but we are better persons for knowing our children and are very honoured to be their parents.

My wife and I love being parents because of the hugs, giggles and grins. When our kids are happy, so are we. As they grew, they amazed us every day with their new words, behaviour and discoveries. They have taught us to be more patient, more loving and much more appreciative of every moment we have together as a family.

Parenthood is a joy. Even while experiencing the hardest trials of our lives, we have learned to rise to all occasions. We’ve found ourselves lifted to new heights while stretching ourselves beyond our limits once we put it upon ourselves to guide them. With rarely a dull moment, we’ve experienced more adventures from parenting our children than we ever imagined.

Parenthood is our life, our passion and our greatest achievement. We also love watching our kids evolve into empathetic, kind human beings who can think for themselves, like spending their money thriftily and being involved in various school activities. You don’t realise the progress until far down the road but the wait is so worthwhile.

We don’t deny that parenthood is a hectic life filled with schedules, diaper changes, feedings, spendings and much more. There are so many things we love about being parents, but the one that stops us dead in our tracks is when each of our children turn to us and say, “Ayah Mi” (referring to me) and “Mak” (referring to my wife).

We love the fact that when our children were growing up to be adults, we were beside them every step of the way, teaching, helping, moulding and loving them.

Life may be great for those who do not want to have children but life will be even better once they have been blessed to become parents.

What we love about being parents is that our children have enhanced our lives in so many ways. We are a better husband, a better wife, better employees, neighbours, relatives and friends. We would rather have our worst days with our kids than to have our best days without them.



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Friday, December 4, 2020

Australian PM Western spiritual colonization doomed to end

 False appearances A perfect picture of hypocrisy

Wuheqilin's latest cartoon Photo: Wuheqilin's official Sina Weibo account


Afghans embrace China's humanitarian cartoon, demand Aussie justice

The victim families want the trial of these soldiers to take place inside Afghanistan where the crime happened. We are condemning this brutal act of Australian soldiers. 

Australian gov't should apologize to Afghan people:

China refutes Australia's accusation of tweeting "fake image"

Killing of Afghan civilians by Australian soldiers confirmed, who should apologize?

Australia's war of words with China over a satirical cartoon that condemned Australian troops' murder of innocent Afghans is ongoing. As more reports reveal the elite Australian soldiers' misconduct in Afghanistan, Australia is increasingly embarrassed.

Some of Australia's allies have engaged in this war of words, and arrogantly talk only about their stance and principles rather than the facts.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on November 18 phoned Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to express his "deepest sorrow." And one day later, Australian Defence Force Chief Angus Campbell said, "I sincerely and unreservedly apologize" to the people of Afghanistan. However, Morrison refused to accept China's criticism but vented his anger as if China had groundlessly smeared his country.

The logic behind Morrison's moves is quite simple: The West can do anything it wants, but non-Westerners are not allowed.

This is the consistent style of Western whites: The West must always be in a superior status and position. With such a mentality, they never accept the idea that other races can enjoy equality. Feeling superior to others, they believe the West must take control of each and every thing, be it the economy or technology.

Morrison didn't say anything when European and American media outlets reported Australian troops' misconduct with words like "war crimes" (as the criticism came from the West). But he reacted fiercely when a Chinese diplomat condemned the brutal murder.

In the eyes of some Western elites, adopting a non-Western system and ideology and refusing to be a vassal of the West is the sin of China. Brainwashed by such discourse, many ordinary people in the West would buy Western politicians' lies about China, even though the COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands in the West while vulnerable groups cannot "breathe."

As a result, any action and word of China is unacceptable to Westerners who have an overwhelming sense of superiority. To them, the West can stigmatize China over the so-called human rights issues with disinformation and accuse China of "genocide," but China is not even allowed to give its opinion on the viral reports circulating in the West.

After 160 years, the bronze horse head stolen by invading forces when Anglo-French Alliance Forces razed the Old Summer Palace in 1860 finally returned to its home on Tuesday. But many Westerners still believe that China is the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society that they arbitrarily bullied in the 19th century.

As they cannot hold colonies anymore, they attempt to spiritually colonize others with their so-called universal values of democracy and human rights. However, the West's narrow-minded moralistic tricks cannot last except in deceiving Westerners.

As China rises, more and more developing countries will not accept to be brainwashed by the West anymore. Nor will they stay silent and tolerate the West's double standards on human rights and other issues.

In the future, more people like Chinese cartoonist Wuheqilin and Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian will stand out to tell the truth to the world and have dialogue with the West on a completely fair and equal status.

The world construct has greatly changed. Whether or not the West will accept it, the belief the West is the center of the world will eventually come to an end.

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China, in joint statement with other countries, condemns Australia at UN Human Rights violations...

China on behalf of a number of countries condemned Australia at the UN Human Rights Council on Friday over its ...


Chinese cartoon reflects outrage over Australian war atrocities

Until today, Australia still believes China is inferior, not qualified to criticize the superior Aussies. Nothing can better portray the mentality when Australia showed much greater anger toward a Chinese cartoon than the crimes of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.  

Among US allies, why is Australia keen to attack China?: Global Times editorial

Many Western countries need to face the so-called challenges brought about by China's rise. But Australia is much more on guard than average Western countries. It is hard to find a justifiable excuse for its actions from whatever perspective.

Who is arrogant in the cartoon dispute?

Those countries hope that China will resign itself to their provocation and suppression. Otherwise, they would believe that China has become tougher or even a “Wolf Warrior.” Just let them bluff, and let us stay magnanimous. 

Cartoon demands justice for murdered Afghans, Morrison blunder-struck with hypocrisy

It is a 100-percent fact that Australian troops brutally killed Afghan civilians. Australia should tell the Afghans and the world how many people its troops have killed and how they will be held accountable for it. What's happening in the real world is much more brutal, bloody and frightening than what my cartoon shows.


China's goodwill futile with evil Australia: Global Times editorial

Killing innocent people is trampling on human rights no matter what. But Canberra has the nerve to put itself on the moral high ground of human rights. How arrogant and shameless the Morrison government is!

Five Eyes decays into US fan club, lapdog

Take a look at what is happening in the Five Eyes countries. The US and the UK are both among the countries hit hardest by COVID-19, and both have deep domestic conflicts and long-term uncertainties. Canada and Australia, with their small populations and vast land resources, are more like “Western slackers” than the European countries who have strong crisis awareness. They all need to see where their crisis lies and who their real enemies are. Otherwise, they will always have a misconception that China is poisoning them whenever they are not feeling well. How absurd such a logic is! 

Has Australia misjudged US capability to interfere in Asia?

Taking sides with the US over China has cost Australia valuable diplomatic flexibility. Australia has been smashed between two rocks instead of milking both sides.

Australia's passing of Foreign Relations Bill 2020 shows political paranoia

Passing the legislation is Australia's domestic affair and China has no interest to intervene. But if the Australian federal government uses this act to jeopardize China's interests, China will do everything it can to safeguard its own interests. 

Kiwis bleat like Aussie sheep but don't condemn Afghan killings

The West should take the latest incident as an alarm bell – when they smear other countries with baseless accusations, why can't other countries criticize the West or make well-intentioned suggestions for their misdeeds? 

Aussies in China ashamed, disappointed at Morrison's accusation against diplomat

Amid an escalating war of words around a cartoon depicting atrocities committed by Australian soldiers against Afghan civilians, an Australian who has lived in China for 10 years has something to say: "Today, as an Australian, I feel ashamed. The Australia I left 10 years ago compared to the Australia of today is entirely different."

Antagonistic policies of Morrison administration harm people-to-people exchanges between China, Australia

Amid a vortex of worsening bilateral ties between Australia and China and tightened immigration policies, complicated by the ravages of pandemic, many Chinese in Australia feel anxious and disappointed in Prime Minister Scott Morrison's administration. 


Do more, talk less

Amid Australia-China row, we need world leaders
who talk less and do more


'Paper cat' Australia will learn its lesson

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

China makes steady progress towards coronavirus vaccines to market


Inactivated COVID-19 vaccine CoronaVac produced by Chinese vaccine developer Sinovac Photo: Courtesy of Sinovac

 Chinese vice premier Sun Chunlan stressed a scientific and rigorous preparation is required for the mass production of Chinese-developed COVID-19 vaccines during an inspection tour of vaccine production lines of some leading manufacturers in Beijing on Wednesday, the same day the UK became the first Western country to approve a coronavirus vaccine for widespread use.

Sun and State Councilor Wang Yong visited the National Institute for Food and Drug Control, and two leading vaccine producers Sinovac, National Vaccine & Serum Institute under Sinopharm in Beijing, the Xinhua News Agency reported late Wednesday.

The visit was seen as a prelude for the vaccine coming to market in a rigorous and scientific manner. Russia and the UK announced on Wednesday they will start mass vaccinations against the coronavirus next week.

Sun and Wang learned about COVID-19 vaccine research, visited production plants and checked preparation work, and fully affirmed the achievements of the vaccine developers.

Fourteen vaccines using five technology methods are in clinical trials and five vaccines are undergoing phase Ⅲ clinical trials. Emergency use, production preparation and other work are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Sun called for scientific and rigorous phase Ⅲ clinical trials to carry out review and approval work in strict accordance with laws, regulations and internationally recognized technical standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness.

She required Chinese companies prepare for mass production, strictly comply with laws, regulations, procedures and requirements on quality supervision and biosafety, improve the traceability system for vaccines, punish illegal activities for creating a favorable market environment.

Sun said it's necessary to formulate a vaccination distribution plan before the vaccines are made available to the public. The emergency use of the vaccine in high-risk groups, such as port workers and front-line supervisors, will be completed by the end of 2020, she said.

The UK's approval of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine on Wednesday paved the way for widespread uses of the vaccine. The first doses are already on their way to the UK, with 800,000 due to arrive in the coming days, Pfizer said.

Analysts said the UK and Russia's quick approval for widespread use of vaccine is mainly in response to new outbreaks that may get worse during the coming winter.

China is very likely to introduce its first officially approved vaccine for mass use in December, but whether it would be approved only for limited use is still under discussion, a Beijing-based immunological professor who asks not to be named told the Global Times.

The first vaccines to get approval are likely the inactivated vaccine candidates from either Sinovac or state-owned Sinopharm, said the professor, noting that other frontrunner candidates such as recombinant adenovirus vector vaccine would be slightly behind or approved for emergency use first.

The Global Times learned from the Sinovac's Brazilian partner Butantan Institute which is carrying out the phase Ⅲ clinical trials of the inactivated vaccine CoronaVac that the data from the trials have been sent to the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency. Sinovac told the Global Times that analysis of the clinical data will take some time.

Compared to China, vaccines are more urgently needed in the West, said a Shanghai-based vaccine expert. "The epidemic battle left many Americans desperate, let's hope President-elect Joe Biden will take human rights seriously and not follow in Trump's footsteps."

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China makes vaccines global, US does it selfishly

If the US is afraid of losing its stature, nothing is stopping it from following in China's lead. America is more than welcome to use vaccines as a way to help some of the poorest countries in the world – not for isolationist purposes.


Western public opinion war on vaccines is wicked

There is no way China will fall behind in vaccine research. Those who badmouth China's vaccines will eventually become the laughing stock again. 

Pfizer, BioNTech seek EU approval for COVID-19 vaccines

Pharmaceutical firms Pfizer and BioNTech, as well as their competitor Moderna, have filed applications for approval of their COVID-19 vaccines, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on Tuesday.

Today's China the most convincing response to Western COVID suspicions

No matter how successfully China has contained the spread of the coronavirus with all-out efforts and how the country has passed on its experiences of handling the pandemic to the world in a timely manner, some Western media has not given up its longstanding prejudices and ideological biases when looking back at the past year, after American broadcaster CNN came up with a so-called classified file on Tuesday in an attempt to sensationalize obsolete issues and mislead the world again. 

China's vaccines better suit Africa, LatAm due to 'lower costs, easier logistics'

African and some Latin American countries would prefer Chinese-developed inactivated vaccines, due to their competitive costs and easier logistics, to stop their pandemic crisis, said analysts in both the vaccine and drug transportation services.


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