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Friday, May 1, 2020

COVID-19: Malaysia to open 'almost all' economic sectors from May 4 with health protocols in place, to prevent up to RM98b in losses, Stay Safe! 行动管制令 5月4日起重启大部份商业活动和社交活动

A 'new norm' that should be practised - New Straits Times

The Perikatan Nasional (PN) government made the decision to reopen businesses on Monday to prevent economic losses of close to RM100 billion.

In a live address, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the country has already lost up to RM63 billion for the duration of the movement control order (MCO) since it began on March 18.

Most economic sectors in Malaysia will open from Monday (May 4) with health protocols in place, said Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in his Labour Day message.

In his speech that was broadcast live on Friday, Mr Muhyiddin said: "With advice from the Ministry of Health, based on data collected, and protocol outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO), the government has decided to open its economic sectors carefully, while implementing stringent health standard operating procedures (SOP)."

"Almost all economic sectors and business activities will be allowed to operate from May 4, depending on protocols and SOP decided by authorities."

However, Mr Muhyiddin explained that some industries and business activities will remain closed as they involve mass gatherings, and where social distancing is difficult to enforce.

These includes cinemas, karaoke lounges, reflexology centres, nightclubs, Ramadan bazaars, Hari Raya Aidilfitri bazaars, sale carnivals as well as all conferences and exhibitions.

Furthermore, sports activities that involve body contact and mass gatherings will also not proceed.  These include football, rugby, swimming in public areas and all indoor sports.

READ: ‘It’s a nightmare’ - Resident quarantined in Malaysia’s COVID-19 red zone worried over access to healthcare, fresh food supplies

Meanwhile, outdoor activities such as badminton, tennis, cycling, golf and running in small groups with not more than 10 people, will be permitted.

Describing this as the "conditional movement control order (MCO)", Mr Muhyiddin added that restaurants, with enough space to ensure social distancing between customers, will also be allowed to open.

However, he maintained that religious activities such as Friday prayers and other prayers in congregation in mosques will not be permitted.

Interstate travel, including to return to hometowns for the upcoming Aidilfitri celebration, is not allowed, he added.

 Malaysia MCO file photo Malaysia's movement control order came into effect since Mar 18, 2020. (File photo: Bernama)

Mr Muhyiddin also said that schools and institutions of higher learning will remain closed.

"A full list of activities that will is prohibited will be reflected on the National Security Council " he said.

"The list will be reviewed from time to time depending on the number of COVID-19 cases," he added.

The MCO, enforced since Mar 18 and extended for three times until May 12, is aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia.

As of Friday, there are a total of 6,002 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Malaysia, of whom 4,171 or 69.5 per cent have been discharged.


Mr Muhyiddin made the announcement to open most economic sectos following a decrease in new COVID-19 cases across the country in recent weeks, a sign that the MCO has proven to be fruitful.

He highlighted in his speech that Malaysia's economy has suffered a loss of RM2.4 billion (US$560 million) each day since the MCO was implemented. The total losses are estimated at RM63 billion, he added.

Should MCO be extended for another month, Malaysia would see a further loss of RM35 billion, the prime minister said.

In his speech, Mr Muhyiddin highlighted how discipline showed by residents to stay at home during the MCO has brought encouraging results.

READ: Putrajaya says 2 per family can leave home for essential travel, as COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease

He explained that this has helped boost the Ministry of Health's capabilities in treating COVID-19 patients. Malaysia will have enough manpower, beds in hospitals, quarantine centres, medication, ventilators, personal protective equipment, and testing labs in case infection rate rises again.

He also acknowledged that in the coming months, it would be impossible for any countries to achieve zero new COVID-19 cases, Hence, Malaysia has to upgrade the capabilities of its public healthcare services to "face any possibilities", he added.

"Even though we have successfully controlled the spread of COVID-19, do not be careless. Stay vigilant. Practise social distancing, wash your hands frequently, wear a face mask in public and quickly see a doctor if you have any symptoms," said Mr Muhyiddin.

BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developments

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Source: CNA/am
Story image for Penang Covid-19 May 4, 2020, LATEST UPDATE from The Star Online

  Penang No new Covid-19 cases for eighth day

No new Covid-19 cases in Penang for eighth day

GEORGE TOWN: Penang recorded NO new Covid-19 cases on Monday (May 4) for a straight eighth day since the last two cases were reported on April 26.

According to statistics provided by the state Health Department, the last two cases were discharged on Monday.

Previously, Penang fell short by just a few days to be declared as a green state with two cases recorded in north Seberang Prai on April 26.

The state has so far 121 cases with one fatality.

 Application for ERP still open: Saravanan

Barbers ready to reopen as Covid-19 cases decline

Childcare centres won't reopen for another month


Parents, nurseries should compromise on fees during MCO

The move by childcare centres or nurseries (taska) to demand full fees despite the Movement Control Order (MCO) which enters its sixth week, has become a thorny issue for parents involved.

In fact, this is one of many grouses voiced by parents when majority of the nurseries insisted that the fees must be paid in full to cover certain costs as well as to pay their staff salaries.

An e-hailing driver from Johor Baru, Amir Hamzah, said parents and the nurseries should compromise and have an understanding and empathy to come up with a win-win solution for all parties to solve the crisis.

Amir, 37, said the nurseries should not think about the profit alone by charging the same fees as before, given the fact that many expenses could be saved during the MCO.

This includes saving on utility bills such as electricity and water, stationery sets, and daily meals for the children as well as receiving wage subsidy from the government under the Prihatin Tambahan economic stimulus package.

“It is not that we don’t want to pay at all, we understand the staff salaries depend on the fees, but calculations must be made by deducting unused costs from the full payment of the monthly fees.

“If the fees remain the same, that means the nurseries are making more profits before MCO while some parents are experiencing a complete loss of income. Like me, for example, e-hailing drivers are finding so hard to make ends meet as people choose to stay home,” he told Bernama.

Throughout the MCO, the nursery has allowed Amir, who allocates RM1,000 monthly for his two children - son and daughter - to defer his payment without offering any discounts.

“They do conduct online classes for an hour daily but the effectiveness is not the same as face-to-face in a classroom, especially when children are below four years old,” he said.

Even the cost of buying learning materials and a printer was borne by parents, he added.

Sharing a similar sentiment, a bank employee who wants to be known as Atirah, 39, said the nursery has given her a half-price discount for May, with a condition that both March and April fees must be settled in full.

“Otherwise, they will terminate my three-year-old daughter’s enrollment. My husband and I are working throughout MCO as we are in the essential services. We are forced to send our child to another babysitter as the centre is closed.

“We paid in full for March despite being unable to send her to the centre for two weeks. Since MCO has been extended, we hope the nursery would compromise by offering discounts or the government to come up with fees standardisation,” she said.

Meanwhile, a member of Association of Registered Childcare Providers Malaysia (ARCPM) Board of Trustees, Shamsinah Che Shariff, said many small nurseries or kindergartens were having trouble staying afloat as many parents have refused to pay the monthly fees.

Most of the nurseries have no issues of deducting all other costs as some families may also be affected financially by the MCO and it would be wise for both sides to come up with an agreement, she said.

“If the income of the parents has been affected, they can show the proof and discuss with the management, it should not be a problem. It is also fine if (parents) want the meal costs to be deducted. “The utility bill is not so much compare to the love and care as well as good services provided for the children. The nurseries still need to pay rent, salaries and must make contributions to Employers Provident Fund and Social Security Organisations,” she added.

However, she said, some parents did settle the full payment although they were offered discounts as they understood the value of the nurseries and kindergarten as a professional provider.

She added that small nurseries have been severely affected when parents decided not to make payment since they were looking after their children at home.

In the meantime, Shamsinah said the efforts of teachers and caregivers to conduct online lessons was a proof that they were willing to put extra efforts to ensure that children did not miss the learning process apart from making most of their time with quality activities.

“With the technology, the online teaching initiative definitely needs a little assistance from parents, but parents should also see that it takes a lot of effort from teachers to make extra preparation to conduct the lesson,” she added. — Bernama

首相慕尤丁宣布5月4日起重启大部份商业活动和社交活动- 9点 ...

行动管制令】禁止回乡及跨州活动| 国内| 東方網馬來西亞東方日

#新冠疫情重点看#首相劳动节献词| Sharetisfy

慕尤丁宣布重启经济活动讲词重点- 百格视频| 百格 ..




✅ 运动方面,只有少人运动被允许,如羽毛球、tennis、跑步等等,只有缺少与人身体接触的运动被允许。足球,公共泳池禁止开放




首相慕尤丁宣布,5月4日起,政府实行 #有条件行管令(#PKPB),近乎所有经济领域及商业活动,可在有条件及遵循卫生部规定的指南下重启,但涉及群聚的领域及体育项目,照旧停业及禁行。










📌餐饮:餐馆业者可在这两天清理餐馆及进行开业准备,餐桌之间,须至少2公尺距离。餐饮业者必须提供员工口罩 同时测量食客体温。食客离开后须即刻清理桌子。











📌民众对经济领域开放或感担忧,毕竟病毒存在感染风险就存在,我同样担忧;但无论如何, 大家勿恐慌及放弃,我们相信所有前线人员有能力抗疫。




📌建议民众下载MySejahtera及MyTrace APP,协助政府追踪新感染群。

【行管第44天】吁有条件批托儿所运作方志伟:让家长安心上班 ...


他周四发文告时说,州内许多工厂日前已陆续复工,造成父母又要开始恢复忙碌的生活,对于家里有幼小孩子的父母亲 ,家长肯定面对另一个烦躁问题,他们上班后,在托儿所及安亲班没有开放情况下,他们的孩子将何去何从呢?




他说,与其他领域一样,这些业者一旦获得批准复工 ,必须根据标准运作程序(SOP)作足一切防疫措施。





Stay Safe !

Dear All , This is an important message for all !

For those who are arguing on both sides that we must open now or it is too soon to open, *this is the most important thing you need to know*.

Here's the most asked question to answer:

*When will it be SAFE to end the lockdown, to re-emerge?*

*May 1st? Or May 15th?* *Or June end? Or July end? Or August?*

Here's the real answer: *Never*. *It will never be "SAFE.*”

Why ?

Social distancing, staying at home, all of these measures - were these not meant to "cure" Covid-19 ?

*No at all ! These were measures to slow it down, so as to not overwhelm our healthcare system*.

For the most part, so far we've done that.

However it should be clearly understood that It does not change the virality of Covid-19 ; or how it spreads from one person to another.

*Nor does it have any effect on the mortality rate*.
*It was intended to just delay it until we find a PERMANENT CURE .*

A very important point to note here is that - As soon as we re-emerge, the virus will spread again, & the people with weak immune systems will still succumb to it in large nos .

*This is a harsh fact which all of us have to realise .*

The people who missed it this time, may eventually get it - regardless of whether we re-emerge on May 1st or September 30th ......

*What is it , that we need to do now ?*
We need to protect our healthcare system in every possible way to handle the load, but we don't need to mislead ourselves over the outcome of this quarantine.

*Hard Truth of life now is* - *It is slowing it down, but not curing it.*

Eg : If you're driving to Alor Setar from Kuala Lumpur at 50 miles an hour or 100 miles an hour, the distance doesn't change, isn’t it ???

Therefore the need of the hour now is -

*if our lifestyle is causing you to have a weakened immune system, use this lockdown time to correct that*.
This should be one of our major resolutions / actionables now without any doubt !

*Otherwise, you've placed a “heavy target “ on your own back* *which will be very difficult to carry* ...

Youngsters as well as older *people should understand & make sure that this is not the time for indulging in comfort food* -
but it's a time to give ourselves the healthiest, most robust immune system our body is capable of.

*How can this be achieved*?
1 - By Having healthy , nutritious food ,
2 - Compulsory, 8-hour, night sleep.- drink lime water ( warm water ) daily morning without fail ;
3 - Not having refrigerated or aerated drinks ;
4 - Detox yourself everyday &
5 - maintain social distancing for next couple of weeks/ even months until we have a vaccine or definite, standardized, proven medicine that ensures rapid cure.

It's as simple as this !!!

Hope you all understand that this is just the beginning & not the end .

We need to be careful about ourselves by maintaining real good healthly & hygienic habits in this lockdown period !

*Stay Indoor ! Stay Safe !*

Read more:

A 'new norm' that should be practised - New Straits Times

Conditional MCO: Hair salons, barber shops don't make the cut

The full list of businesses and activities that will not be allowed can be obtained at the National Security Council website

【3分钟让你知道 你到底需不需要开工】
你三天后到底需不需要开工? 不要再问了。 看完video再问。
📌 本平台纯属吃喝玩乐平台。如有口误敬请原谅。

#MySense #MCO #5月4号 #马来西亚 #行动管制 #开工


NSC releases details on list of activities prohibited during CMCO

 PM: Almost all economic sectors, business activities can resume ops under conditional MCO starting May 4 

MoF: 700,000 SMEs to gain from RM2bil grant | The Star Online


Covid-19 Update:

Covid-19: Total cases so far (updated daily)


Covid-19: Current situation in Malaysia (updated daily)


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Thursday, April 30, 2020

A balanced media narrative is in order

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Anyone without a scales over his eyes and who has not succumbed to cerebral shampooing by the West will have realised by now that large parts of its media are biased, if not outright antagonistic, in their reporting of |"China.

FROM the riots in Hong Kong last year, whitewashed as peaceful pro-democracy protests, to the lockdown of Wuhan and other Chinese cities, derided as draconian and an abuse of human rights, the sting was always there, and often not even hidden in between the lines.

All this will be denied, of course, and not just by those media owners and employees but also the readers and viewers who swear by them. It is futile to debate them, such is their ideological bias that they leave themselves no room for doubt, much less introspection. They are entitled to their reading of China, of course, as are their critics to theirs.

It is perfectly understandable that Western media, especially those that publish and broadcast in English, will want to push what they believe is the interest of the West. No one should expect them to speak up for China and other non-Western nations. Or question the liberal democracy dogmas they have grown up with.

To be fair, there are also not a few among them who genuinely believe that what they do is also for the good of the Chinese suffering under the yoke of a totalitarian regime. And so they have gone at it full tilt, especially the Anglophone media.

It would be foolish for people in this part of the world not to see all this for what it really is - a war, not yet a shooting one but a war by other means nonetheless. Only the wilfully blind will fail to see that it is being waged by the United States and some of its allies to stymie a rising China just so they can hold on to their global hegemony.

Demonising and then isolating China, through disinformation and misinformation, is just one of the means. In the relentless pursuit of that goal, truth, to paraphrase what Hiram Johnson, US Senator for California, first said in 1918, has become the first casualty of this war. So much for the self-serving cant about these media being “respected” providers of fair, objective and balanced coverage.

Does all that matter? I submit that it does, to the millions in Singapore, Malaysia and many other former British colonies who have relied all these years on the English-language global media for their news, analyses and commentaries.

It’s time they woke up, if they have not already done so, to the fact that their understanding of what is happening in China, and, for that matter, many other places from Syria to Venezuela, is being shaped by those media with an unholy agenda.This awakening cannot come too soon as some Western media are piling on the pressure by echoing the spurious demands of anti-China politicians that Beijing must pay for the damage caused by the Covid-19 virus which it has set loose on the world.

If allowed to escalate and proliferate, this incitement of people whose lives are being devastated by the pandemic, is sure to result in more racist attacks against people of Chinese ethnicity, particularly in Western countries. It may well spin out of control into an armed confrontation between two sides, very possibly in the South China Sea.

But what can ordinary readers and viewers do? Well, they can send these media organisations a message. Those who have no problem taking pen to paper should write a protest note to them each time they spot a deliberate distortion - or to their respective regulator.

Nothing will come out of it, for sure, but those who are neither pro- nor anti-China but believe in fair play have to take a stand against deliberate bias and make it clear they will not stand for it.

It is in their enlightened self-interest to do so; if these media can target China now, then they can just as easily turn on their country next and cause damage, as was the case for Hong Kong when the Anglophone media turned a blind eye to all the fire-bombing, vandalism and vicious attacks against innocent citizens, and glorified the perpetrators as freedom fighters.

For those not inclined to write, they can just stop reading or viewing biased media. There are Singaporeans who have cancelled their subscription of The New York Times and ceased watching CNN over the slanted coverage of the Hong Kong riots. Yes, they care enough for Hong Kong and, more importantly, for fair play.

Sure, protesting this way may be inconvenient for those who are monolingual in English as there are few other media organisations that can rival the top Western players in global coverage and reach.

According to Comscore, the audience research agency, as at July last year, CNN had 166 million unique multi-platform visitors, BBC 148 million, Yahoo 117 million and 111 million.

But choices in English are still there - Al Jazeera, which says it has more than 65 bureaus around the world and whose Arabic, English and other language networks have a combined reach into more than 220 million households; and CGTN, China’s global television network, which says its free-to-air English service reaches 85 million viewers in over 100 countries.

Admittedly, Al Jazeera and CGTN are nowhere near CNN or the BBC in reach and brand value but any fair-minded reader/viewer who has followed their work for a sustained period knows their products are nothing to sniff at.

Anecdotal accounts suggest that CGTN and, in particular, its presenter Liu Xin are gaining traction among the better educated in Singapore because of their measured and fact-based approach to presenting news and commentaries.

The accent of this commentary is on biased reporting of China. If readers and viewers are reluctant to forgo following Anglophone media despite their thinly veiled bias against China and other non-allied powers like Iran, then the least they can do is to also watch or read nascent competitors for balance.

And not to forget: their own English language national or regional media, too - whether it be the South China Morning Post, The Star in Malaysia or The Straits Times and Channel NewsAsia in Singapore. They make no self-glorifying claims to being the gold standard for good journalism but they do try to be objective, fair and balanced.

Individually, each may not have the resources of the existing global players. But in this regard, there is no reason why they cannot pool resources where possible and compete on the world’s media stage. Fair, constructive competition cannot be bad for media consumers. And the English-language media landscape deserves more than just the Anglo-Saxon narrative.

By Leslie Fong, a former editor of The Straits Times. The views here are his own. Source link

Read more:

Covid-19 Update:

Covid-19: Current situation in Malaysia (updated daily)

Covid-19: Total cases so far (updated daily)

US pushes S.China Sea hegemony amid pandemic

The US Navy said on April 21 that the USS America and two other vessels entered the South China Sea. In the face of the raging coronavirus epidemic in the US, Washington has shown no intention to halt pressuring China on the South China Sea issue.

Provoking human civilization must be rejected

The racist remarks about the novel coronavirus and the subsequent racial discrimination, racial contradictions and racial conflicts are all blatant provocations against modern civilization that should be resisted by the international community. All responsible media in the world should firmly adhere to justice and jointly protect the basic values of human civilization. 

 Respect for science will win COVID-19 fight

There is no way either of our countries can deal with transnational challenges like pandemics or climate change acting alon

Global cooperation will plug loopholes the US creates

Cooperation is the most effective solution to fix that loophole. But if the world cannot keep a sober head on this, there will probably be a more profound crisis waiting for humanity after the pandemic is gone.  

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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Malaysian Movement Control Order (MCO) enters the fourth phase

Now we’re entering the 43rd day of MCO in Malaysia. It’s 29th of April 2020 and the 6th day of Ramadan. Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO) period started with :

#Phase1 March 18, 2020 to March 31, 2020

#Phase2 April 1, 2020 to April 14, 2020

#Phase3 April 15, 2020 to April 28, 2020

#Phase4 April 29, 2020 to May 12, 2020

Malaysia reported 94 more Covid-19 cases on Wednesday (Apr 29), bringing the total number of Covid-19 infections in the country to 5,945. May be more phases to go through. And still not totally out  for sure.

'No need to apply again'

Approved sectors can continue operating under new MCO phase to 100%
 Businesses approved under MCO 1-3 are now allowed to operate at full capacity. Industry leaders welcome the relaxation and say they will adhere to the new SOP required of them to continue their operations.
It’s full throttle for economic sectors that are allowed to operate earlier as the nation enters the fourth phase of the movement control order (MCO) today. International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali

E&E players laud govt decision

The Malaysian electrical and electronic (E&E) industry lauds the government’s decision to allow selected economic sectors that have been operating at half capacity to operate at full capacity beginning today. The move is good news for...

Govt to look into operations of daycare centres for working parents

The government will look into the operations of daycare centres, now that the economic sectors are allowed to carry on business at full capacity, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (pic).

The Senior Minister said the authorities were aware of the need for daycare centres and nurseries to be reopened, as affected parents could return to work.

Ismail Sabri said the Special Cabinet Committee would look into the matter during its meeting on April 30 (Thursday).

"We are aware that many people are asking who will look after their children now that they are allow to return to work.

"So, we will look into this tomorrow and come up with details and solutions," he told a press conference on Wednesday (April 29).

Under the fourth phase of the movement control order (MCO), economic sectors operating at half capacity during phases one to three will be allowed to carry on business at full capacity.

Ismail Sabri also said the minister in charge of religious affairs would be asked for his views on whether terawih prayers in mosques would be allowed with social distancing.

"In addition, we will discuss and look for a SOP for football matches.

"I have received a letter from the Youth and Sports Minister on whether matches under the Malaysian League may continue after the MCO," he said.

Industries hope for more approvals


Second phase of Prihatin payout to start May 4

The second phase of the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) payout will begin on May 4, says the Finance Minister.

Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz said it would cover all eligible recipients in the bottom 40 (B40) and middle 40 (M40) groups.

“As of April 26, more than 3.26 million new applications and appeals were received.

“They comprised 2.96 million new applications and 305,000 appeals, ” he said when tabling the third Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package Implementation report.

Tengku Zafrul also reminded that the deadline for the submission of applications and appeals for the one-off cash assistance was April 30 (tomorrow).

“The payout announcement will be made next week following the completion of the review process, ” he said yesterday.

Under the first phase of the BPN handouts, the government disbursed RM5.47bil to 7.74 million recipients.

Tengku Zafrul said cash payments to those who did not have a bank account started on April 17.

The process proceeded smoothly with more than 157,000 people having received the cash aid at Bank Simpanan Nasional branches nationwide.

On the easy financing facilities to assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs) made available since March 6, Tengku Zafrul said RM4.5bil of the RM6.3bil fund administered by Bank Negara Malaysia had been approved for 8,500 SMEs up to last Sunday.

“Regarding the (RM2.1bil) Special Prihatin Grant for micro enterprises, they can begin applying for the grant (of RM3,000 per company) from this Friday.

“The application process will be overseen and announced by the Inland Revenue Board in the near future, ” he said.

On the Wage Subsidy Programme to assist employers in retaining their workers, Tengku Zafrul said up to April 26, the government had approved applications from 195,000 employers involving 1.5 million workers compared with 159,000 employers involving one million workers a week earlier.

The programme has a total allocation of RM5.9bil, which is estimated to benefit 3.3 million workers. — Bernama

Here’s the current situation:

1. Non-essential businesses and offices in Malaysia are closed during the order and staff will continue to work from home. Over 2 millions Malaysians may be left jobless once MCO is over.

2. All forms of learning are online including school & gym classes. Parents are appreciating teachers and caretakers more and more.

3. Only essential shops are operating - groceries, banks, pharmacies, petrol stations and now hardware stores.

4. Face mask is now a commodity. And has became a fashion trend.

5. Sanitizers, disinfectants and soaps are now essentials.

6. Most shops won't allow you to enter unless you have a face mask on and your temperature taken.

7. Shops stick tape on the floor to help customers keep a distance of 1 meter between each other.

8. Restaurants are only open for takeaways. Delivery is life.

9. The number of people at the store is limited.

10. Non-essential shops and enterprises are closed. Some closing down permanently. 11. All entertainment outlets are closed.

12. There is now a curfew. We cannot be outside our homes after 8pm. All essential shops closes by 8pm. And naturally you do not want to be in stores for long!

13. Public transports are only available at certains hours too.

14. Most airplanes are grounded and tickets are crazy expensive.

15. Hotels are converted to quarantine centres. And some are shutting down.

16. The entire sports season is cancelled.

17. Concerts, excursions, festivals, entertainment activities has been cancelled / postponed.

18. Weddings, family celebrations, holiday parties - postponed

19. No gatherings allowed. Places of worship are closed - mosques,churches, temples. Services are held online. Lonely calls of Azans can be heard, but you are not invited to the mosque.

20. The government has roadblocks everywhere and prohibits all unnecessary travel.

21. Petrol is RM1.25 and yet, no one is queuing at stations.

22. The Health DG is more popular than the PM.

23. There are daily updates on new cases, rehabilitation and death, from all govt depts.

24. Frontliners - doctors, nurses, police, paramedics, and others at curbing the disease are the real heroes.

25. Back liners - cleaners, security guards and even e-hailing/delivery riders and others that are helping us get through this trying time, we learn to appreciate all of them more and more.

26. There are no physical Bazaar to go to this Ramadan.

27. And Raya will most likely be celebrated online with your loved be updated by 12 May 2020.

One day, this will appear on this memory feed to remind me that "life and freedom" are precious. The new norm has begun. Don't take things for granted, but cherish everything ...Think Positively.

You are not stuck at home, you are safe at home.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Trump team is driving US to ‘failed state’ status, leading the World in Coronavirus Cases

US President Donald Trump File Photo: AFP

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It's unthinkable that US media outlets would call their own country a "failed state." The term was once used to describe US adversaries such as Iran and Iraq.

The US think tank Fund for Peace started its annual report called Failed States Index in 2005. It has been renamed the Fragile States Index and is produced jointly with Foreign Policy magazine. It didn't take long for the US to be included in the index.

US political scientist Francis Fukuyama, who once believed history would end with liberal democracy as the final form of government for all countries, has since changed his mind, writing in his 2016 article "America: the failed state" that the US should give up "entirely on global leadership." In another article titled "We Are Living in a Failed State" published by The Atlantic, staff writer George Packer said that the coronavirus has made the US "a beggar nation in utter chaos" and that "like France in 1940, America in 2020 has stunned itself with a collapse that's larger and deeper than one miserable leader."

Many people in China who once worshiped the US are not taking any pleasure in witnessing the decline of the US. China cares about Americans.

"As of April 20, China had provided the US with over 2.46 billion masks, meaning seven masks for each [person] in the US, plus nearly 5,000 ventilators" and many other types of medical equipment, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said on Twitter on Thursday.

China does need to take a lesson from the US and examine why the once great country has failed to protect its people, fallen into political division, been stunned by corruption and unparalleled social divide?

China must continue to be wary of US radical policies, including making China a scapegoat for its failures. The news site Politico reported on Friday, that the National Republican Senatorial Committee "has sent [election] campaigns a detailed, 57-page memo authored by a top Republican strategist advising GOP candidates to address the coronavirus crisis by aggressively attacking China." According to Politico, "Republicans have indicated they plan to make China a centerpiece of the 2020 campaign."

Attempts to stigmatize China reflect the degradation of the US. The Trump administration's radical policies that at first seem to create an advantage actually damage the US.

Over the last three years, the Trump administration has nearly destroyed the foundation of international order that's been in place since the end of the Cold War. It has pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and many other international treaties and organizations.

Over the past three months, the Trump administration has doubled the Federal Reserve's balance sheet via measures including quantitative easing and strong stimulus policies, making US dollar the most unstable factor in the global monetary order. It has also severely shaken the international financial system. Global assets are now facing the risk of suddenly plunging or skyrocketing at any time.

Over the past three weeks, the Trump administration has escalated the international oil price war, causing oil prices to collapse. For the first time in history, crude oil was trading at negative prices on April 20, disturbing the global energy market, and making the US withdraw from the oil hegemony system that it has maintained for half a century.

Over the past three seconds, Trump might have made even more startling statements again. Numerous people are wondering how the US system can tolerate such a person as a president. The Washington Consensus is dead, the beacon of democracy, freedom and human rights that the US has long adhered to has collapsed.

The current US government, which most US elites are dissatisfied with, is not only hurting itself, it also wants to harm China. The US scapegoating China makes the US look like some immoral person spitting at an innocent person. The signing of the TAIPEI Act and seeking compensation from China for coronavirus losses are without doubt equivalent to clenching its fists and getting ready to throw punches.

It is like a bad kid who gets low marks, blames others and even undermines their chances of passing the exam.

China will not get stuck in the blame game with the US, nor will it become a grave good of a declining US. Going its own way is still key for China. China is confident of doing a good job in not only containing the virus, but also resuming economic activities.

It is a pity that the Trump administration seems to have opened this Pandora's box, allowing fighting, division, unpredictability and selfishness to spread around the world. The US is no longer the world's dominant force, but it is still powerful. If it continues its willful misbehavior, Washington will bring disaster not only to the US, but all of human kind.

Nobel laureate in economics, Joseph E. Stiglitz, once wisely noted; "The only way forward, the only way to save our planet and our civilization, is a rebirth of history. We must revitalize the Enlightenment and recommit to honoring its values of freedom, respect for knowledge and democracy."

The author is professor and executive dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China, and executive director of China-US People-to-People Exchange Research Center. His latest book is Great Power's Long March

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1 million COVID-19 infections show US no super power

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the US exceeded 1 million on Tuesday, making the country the only one with more than a million infections. More than 56,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the US. On Monday, global coronavirus cases passed 3 million, meaning one in three patients is in the US. The US government has failed its people and also failed the world.

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Respect for science will win COVID-19 fight

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Political motives behind China smears

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Pompeo an enemy to world peace

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Anti-virus gap with China to crush Washington lies

A country's public image is ultimately earned by its efforts, rather than empty talk or lies. Chinese people should keep calm and maintain confidence and patience.

WHO should probe US' virus misconduct

Since the situation is grave, we strongly call on the WHO to intervene in the investigation in the US' initial COVID-19 spread. The WHO's participation can ensure that the investigation is not distorted by the upcoming presidential election. It can also ensure that the conclusions are scientific rather than simply catering to politics. People need to see true reports that are responsible for history.

Hooliganism infects US judiciar

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